


根据修订,北卡罗莱纳州的六个县将在2018年改变其经济等级 周三宣布 靠N.C. 商务部. 州的经济等级制度是由法律规定的,在一个社区是否有资格获得经济援助项目中起着重要作用, ranking each county on a scale of 1 to 3. (Tier 3 is considered to be the least economically distressed). 在新的数字下,勒努瓦县和佩基曼斯县将从2级转移到1级. Forsyth County will shift from Tier 3 to Tier 2. Beaufort 和 Caldwell counties are going from Tier 1 to Tier 2. And Granville County will graduate from Tier 2 to Tier 3.

层级指定决定了许多不同资助计划的资格.C. Commerce administers including building reuse, water 和 sewer infrastructure, 和 the downtown revitalization Main Street program,“ 新闻稿 解释了. Many other public 和 private programs use the tiers as well.

There have been legislative efforts to modify or replace the tier system, 因为人们通常认为,北卡罗来纳州的社区在准确衡量痛苦方面存在问题. 例如,许多三级县包括具有一级特征的社区. The 商务部's website includes a general information page 关于当前系统.

While members of Congress were moving on federal tax reform (still in progress at the time of this writing), the U.S. 周四的House passed bipartisan legislation 该法案将提供重要的经济发展资金,即《365体育足彩》, HR 3017. "We commend members of the U.S. 感谢众议院以两党合作的方式通过这项重要的立法. 这标志着在向地方官员提供所需资金方面迈出了关键一步, 同时也能灵活地调整棕地重建,以满足城市的个性化需求, 县区,“ National League of Cities, U.S. 市长会议, National Association of Counties, 和 the National Association of Regional Councils said in a Friday statement.

“对很多人来说, brownfields are just the neighborhood eyesore or the former industrial site, 但对于市长和其他地方官员来说,他们也代表着未实现的潜力,“ statement continued. “我们认为棕地的再开发是一个将就业机会带回社区的机会, revitalize neighborhoods, 增加税基, 以更可持续的方式重新利用和改善现有的基础设施.这些团体称赞众议院邀请地方官员作证,并在批准法案之前听取了他们的建议. There are more than 400,000 brownfield sites across the U.S.

Drone operators in North Carolina have new laws to observe as of Friday, Dec. 1. 下面是 来自北方.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT):

众议院第128号法案 禁止在监狱、拘留所和任何其他矫正或收容设施附近使用无人机. “近”定义为水平距离为500英尺或垂直距离为250英尺. 设施周围将放置标志,提醒无人机使用者注意边界.

众议院第337号法案 revises existing state drone laws. 法律的语言已经改变,以澄清无人机法律现在将适用于模型飞机. Model aircraft users are still exempt from the state’s permitting requirements.

修订还放宽了对无人驾驶飞机系统使用的限制, or drones) in emergency management. 该法律允许应急管理机构在所有与应急管理有关的活动中使用无人机,并取消了对使用特殊成像技术的限制. 以前,热成像和红外等技术只允许用于科学目的. 取消限制使私营和商业经营者能够协助执法部门开展紧急情况管理工作,如搜索和救援行动.

NCDOT says it has updated its UAS Knowledge Test Study Guide 来反映变化.

The National League of Cities (NLC) has announced its 2018年名单 of leadership 和 Board of Directors members, 和 it includes Winston-Salem City Council Member Denise "D.D.”亚当斯. It's a continuation of NLC service for 亚当斯, appointed to the NLC Board of Directors for a two-year term following a 以前的角色 该组织的财政、行政和政府间关系委员会. 亚当斯, who joined the Winston-Salem City Council in 2009, also has a history of involvement with the N.C. League, including past service on its Board of Directors. 南部城市, the League's bimonthly magazine, 去年对亚当斯进行了专访.

NLC's 2018 officers include Little Rock, Ark., Mayor Mark Stodola as president; Gary, Ind., Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson as first vice-president; Los Angeles City Council Member Joe Buscaino as second vice-president; 和 Clevel和 City Council Member Matt Zone as immediate past president.


时间到了。 new episode of 市政方程. 关注的焦点? 这是一个全国性的问题,影响着各种规模的警察部门:缺乏良好的服务, qualified applicants when police chiefs seek to hire officers. 工资问题, 公众监督, 固有的危险, 长时间的工作和需要全心全意的投入只是给这个职业带来压力的几个因素. 还有更多. 去掌握它, 我们与一位专家进行了交谈,并拜访了一些警察官员,他们最近明确改变了自己机构的招聘方式,以扭转局面. 有用吗?? 找出. (Oh, 和 after the serious talk, we have a few more names to add to our ongoing list of Best Fictional Mayors.)

市政方程 is the League's biweekly podcast about cities 和 towns in changing times. 免费订阅 iTunes, 谷歌玩 or via your favorite podcast app. Have a good idea for an episode? Is your municipality doing something different that merits attention? Or do you see a new challenge on the horizon? Reach out to host/producer 本•布朗.

坎那波利斯市开始了市中心的复兴计划,五彩纸屑雨点般落下. Photo submitted by City of Kannapolis.

卡纳波利斯和牛顿是最新的城市,概述了增长愿景和里程碑在这里我们成长, the League's economic development storytelling tool. 在其 sixth contribution to herewegrownc.org, the City of Kannapolis details how hundreds of local officials, 商人和居民上周聚集在一起,庆祝该市市中心复兴项目的启动. "We are embarking on a journey which will bring new investments, 新的企业和新的机会,为我们的公民提供更好的生活质量,” said City Manager Mike Legg. “我们在市中心投资的每一美元,我们都希望私人投资的资金能增加三倍.牛顿说, 市政府采取了一种创新的方式,向居民和游客展示其街景项目的“后”视图. 这是通过“一套尖端的互动效果图,让你感觉好像你正走在这个城市即将改善的街道上。,这座城市继续写道 herewegrownc.org,在那里你可以找到 完整的故事其他数十人

我们在这里成长 collects stories like these from around the state for a visual, cumulative representation -- by way of 它的故事地图 -- of how local investments 和 innovations add up for North Carolina. It's about jobs, economic growth 和 quality of life. 我们在这里成长还提供了可定制的工具,用于传达您的城镇的经济成功. Have a story to contribute? 没必要保持沉默. 加入! 发送电子邮件至 about@herewegrownc.org to request login credentials. 然后浏览 故事列表 for inspiration, if you need. As 我们在这里成长 makes clear, when each of us does better, we all do better.

北卡罗来纳大学政府学院(SOG)邀请各城镇提交社区振兴项目,供研究生免费考虑. 关于该计划的信息是这样解释的:“参加社区振兴课程并与政府学院发展金融倡议合作的研究生是目前商业专业学位的学生, 规划, 和 public administration, 等. Under the supervision of faculty 和 staff, students conduct market research, 可行性分析, 以及金融模型,以帮助社区了解如何吸引私人投资进入北卡罗莱纳州的社区振兴项目. 在一个学期的课程中,学生们在多学科团队中工作,当地政府不收取任何费用.SOG提供 a form to fill out 和 submit for consideration in the program. Direct questions to Christy Raulli at (919) 843-7736.