
League Bulletin

November 30, 2018

WHAT HAPPENED: 2017-2018年大会返回罗利进行最后一轮立法, 数百名来自全州各地的市政官员聚集在罗利的365足彩下载倡导目标会议上,制定了重要的, 新的立法重点.
WHAT IT MEANS: 我们的城镇制定了一系列不同的目标, 我们将在稍后的公告中列出, 在2019年开始的新立法两年期中,众议院和参议院的名单发生了动态变化. 随着这些变化的到来, 现在标志着本届立法机构必须按照自己的优先事项行事的最后机会, 到目前为止,最受关注的是选民最近在投票中通过的宪法修正案的细节. 
ON TAP: 但议员们也在讨论其他问题, 包括飓风救援和经济发展. 他们计划把工作进行到下周,而且范围不受限制. 
THE SKINNY目前还不能完全确定他们的会期有多长, 但他们可能会在最终投票后的10个日历天内继续开放. 这将允许立法领导人在不受否决的多数仍然存在的情况下处理州长的任何否决.

Member cities and towns of the North Carolina League of Municipalities have approved priorities for the 2019-20 legislative biennium, 重点是交通和宽带投资, 以及创造更多经济适用房的解决方案. In all, more than 200 municipal officials representing over 100 member cities and towns approved 17 legislative goals during Thursday’s Advocacy Goals Conference held in Raleigh. 这些立法优先事项的批准标志着365足彩下载党三个政策委员会数月工作的高潮, 以及该组织的董事会, 市政官员认为, 对成员城市和乡镇提交的几十个拟议目标进行了辩论和完善. “这项努力和这个过程非常重要,因为它使我们能够用统一的声音说话,NCLM主席、杰克逊维尔市市长迈克尔·拉扎拉说. “通过团结一致地工作,团结一致地说话,我们共同前进. And it is that process – coming together today and working on these goals collectively through our representative committees – that gives these goals power."

2019- 2020年立法目标: 

- Seek legislation to ensure that the amount of Powell Bill funds appropriated by the state are sustained and distributions to municipalities are increased and grow over time. 



- Seek legislation granting local governments the authority to build broadband infrastructure and to partner with private internet service providers using long-term infrastructure leases. ​

- Seek legislation to alter the current statutes governing distribution of local sales taxes by requiring a one-year delay in implementation when a county or the legislature changes its method of distributing sales tax revenue. 
- Seek legislation to provide municipalities with authority for additional locally-controlled revenue options and flexibility in the use of those options, 包括但不限于仅限城市的销售税, 城市占用税, 熟食税, 还有运输的影响费.

-寻求适当的立法支持, fair school funding between state and county in all school systems across the state by repealing municipal authority to fund schools. 

- Support legislation which defends the fiscal integrity of the Local Government Employees’ Retirement System and its defined benefit structure, 推动具有前瞻性的合理养老金改革, 并满足当地员工的需求, employers, and retirees.  

- Support legislation that will provide sufficient funding at the state level for incentive programs such as a competitive film incentive program, 国家历史保护税收抵免, 以及增加就业和经济所需的“主街解决方案”基金.  

-寻求立法为市政当局提供额外赠款资金,以满足公共安全(消防)所需的设备和设施, police, ems).
- Oppose legislation that shifts to taxpayers the costs of overseeing development and completing development-initiated infrastructure. 

- Support measures, 比如额外的资金, 提高城市满足联邦和州雨水控制要求的能力. 


- Seek changes to the law governing the disclosure and release of law enforcement recordings to clarify that disclosure to a municipal manager is allowed and to allow disclosure to a city or town council or citizen review board in a closed session and under confidentiality agreements.

- Only support legislation providing additional post-employment benefits to public employees that includes a funding mechanism to fully support the cost and liability of the benefit and support the study of existing post-employment benefits, 如特殊离职津贴计划, 以确保提供福利的责任不完全由上一个雇主承担. 

- Support legislation to revise the current methods of determining economic needs that are used by the state to allocate funds so that additional areas of the state in need may benefit from increased economic development, jobs, 看到更多的创业创新. 

——支持烈酒销售制度,由当地公民投票决定是否出售, 保留对出口位置和密度的本地控制, 并保留当地的收入来源.

The hundreds of municpial officials from across North Carolina who gathered in Raleigh on Thursday for the League's 2018 Advocacy Goals Conference were chiefly focused on setting out up-to-date priorities for the next legislative biennium. 但与会者也受益于特别演讲嘉宾的话语,包括州长. Roy Cooper, 州财政部长Dale Folwell和前全国城市365足彩下载主席Melodee Colbert-Kean.
Governor Cooper said he looks forward to working with the 2019-20 legislature and shined light on issues already uniting the parties for good outcomes. 他对共青团成员的演讲大部分集中在最近飓风造成的令人心碎的后果上, 尤其是佛罗伦萨, that have led the General Assembly this session to minimize politics and appropriate recovery funds for the betterment of North Carolina. 州长库珀还赞扬了市政官员在飓风应对和恢复工作中站在第一线. 他还赞同市政当局需要更大的灵活性来制定自己的路线. “我不是说说而已. 你会在我的行动中看到这一点,”州长说.​
科尔伯特-基恩是密苏里州乔普林乐队的成员., 2011年的EF-5龙卷风夺走了161条生命,永远地改变了这座城市. 在这里向城镇致辞, 她强调了地方一级倡议的重要性,以使恢复对话开始并走上正轨.
财政部长福尔韦尔谈到了他为确保州和地方政府养老金体系的财政完整性所做的努力. 他告诉市政官员,他一直致力于降低投资费用和打击欺诈, saying that these initiatives are particularly important in light of investment returns that have not kept pace with projections for the last two decades. 365足彩下载要感谢特别来宾花时间关注市政问题.

联合国大会又回到了罗利. 在2018年会议的延续上,立法者于11月11日进行了投票. 27 with previously announced plans to write legislation that would enable and set out the provisions of constitutional amendments approved by voters in the recent election. Those include a 选民身份证要求周四,一项规定这一要求细节的法案在参议院获得了通过. The bill, 目前正在等待众议院的批准, 需要有照片的身份证明, among many options, 由县选举委员会颁发的卡片. 账单上列出了所有可接受的表格, 其中包括当地政府颁发的员工身份证, 如果它符合一定的标准.
在本届“跛脚鸭”会议上,议员们要通过的立法种类并不受限制. 周四,参议院一致通过了让奥巴马在参议院任职的议案. Roy Cooper 3亿美元的一揽子计划 额外的飓风恢复援助. 新闻报道称,预计州长将签署该法案, 其中包括海滩重建资金和地方政府贷款.
Legislative players and observers are exchanging information at a fast pace in terms of other matters lawmakers might bring to the floor, 在某些情况下,谣言和错误信息进入了更广泛的对话. A bill filed in the Senate proposing to eliminate certain state boards -- including some that interact with local governments -- set off alarms, erroneously, 他们认为相关资金岌岌可危. 正如365足彩下载倡导目标会议的与会者在周四听到的那样, 并不是说基金和董事会一起被淘汰. 请继续阅读有关该法案及其作用的更详细解释.

A Senate bill​ 本周早些时候提出要取消许多州委员会, 包括监督净水管理信托基金(CWMTF)和公园拨款的指定委员会 & 康乐信托基金(部份). 重要的是对于申请这些补助的城镇, 该法案本身并没有取消这些基金. Further, 在CWMTF情况下, 该法案包含了一项津贴,使拨款计划继续由联合国管理.C. 自然和文化资源部. 这项提议源于一场旷日持久的争论, 对某些州委员会的控制权, 在行政部门和立法部门之间. 这一争议可以追溯到前州长奥巴马(barack obama)任内开始的诉讼. Pat McCrory, 今年秋天,他又发起了一项宪法修正案,但未能获得选民的批准. 该法案本周没有推进,也没有举行听证会, 参议院还没有安排对该法案采取进一步行动.

North Carolina League of Municipalities 执行董事 Paul Meyer is one of four state municipal league leaders to join the National League of Cities' Board of Directors. 这一消息是在NLC宣布的 recent CitySummit​ in California that also highlighted Jacksonville City Council Member Angelia Washington's selection for a two-year term on the national board. 这两名北卡罗来纳人加入了美国多元化的横截面.S. 现在是印第安纳州的加里.市长凯伦·弗里曼·威尔逊(Karen Freeman-Wilson)担任总统. “在一个分裂的时代, 现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是,城市领导人为了我们居民的利益而团结起来, 也为了我们国家的未来,弗里曼-威尔逊说. “It is an honor to lead the National League of Cities as we raise our collective voice on the issues that matter to the residents in our communities. 携起手来,我们可以让我们国家的城市发生真正的变化.”

365足彩下载很自豪地推出了它的 社区宽带在线资源中心 today. 这个网页是任何希望了解更多关于社区主导的宽带努力的人的首选, and it comes a day after municipal officials prioritized a goal of changing state law to clearly allow local governments to build broadband infrastructure and lease it to private partners. 访问资源中心的访问者可以通过观看一个 “宽带基础” webinar. 他们还可以阅读365足彩下载的白皮书, “跨越数字鸿沟”, and listen to a podcast that explores the limitations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) data collected on broadband service in the Municipal Equation podcast episode, “The Map is Wrong.” Visit the 社区宽带在线资源中心 从今天开始,在你的社区加快宽带的速度.
