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League Bulletin

November 8, 2019

​WHAT HAPPENED: 这几乎让人感觉立法者们还在进行上周休会的长时间会议. Among big things, legislators at the committee level began work on new congressional district maps, a process always caked in session-caliber political debate. Meanwhile, Gov. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)正在签署或否决国会议员在休会期间发给他的法案, 关于缺乏一个全面的国家预算的评论仍不绝于耳. In other news, on Tuesday, 北卡罗来纳州92个县的选民前往投票站进行市政选举, which have "a tremendous impact on our everyday lives,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. 我们感谢作为在任者、新候选人或选民参加这一进程的每一个人. 在许多社区,酒精公投和债券问题也在投票中, 包括达勒姆市一项价值9500万美元的经济适用房债券计划 passed big with 76 percent approval.
WHAT IT MEANS: The session ended, 但还有很多事情要做,让每个人都很忙:要签署或否决的法案, court orders to follow (redistricting), boards in need of appointments, 并准备很快正式回归参众两院的事务. 
ON TAP: The chambers are scheduled to return to session on Wednesday. Per adopted rules, 他们将能够处理剩余的会议报告工作, 虽然国会重新划分选区是主要的焦点. 

THE SKINNY: Even when the General Assembly is out, 立法委员会和工作人员继续制定北卡罗来纳州的政策, 365足彩下载的眼睛仍然睁着,好像会议还在进行. Which it is, in essence, 议员们将于下周开始工作,并计划在明年1月再次召开会议, where rules will allow them to address a broader slate of items, 在几个月后即将开始的例行“短期会议”之前. Read on for more updates from the past week. 

Gov. 本周,罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)在立法机构通过的更多法案上签名——有些是用圆珠笔,有些是用他的红色否决印章. Newsmaking bills the governor put into law included SB 199​, 州长办公室表示,这将“填补现有性侵犯法律的漏洞,并加强对虐待儿童者的惩罚”.他还签署了一项法案,在选举日之前恢复星期六的投票. On Wednesday, the governor put into law SB 559,允许为某些风暴恢复成本融资的法案. And he additionally greenlit SB 433, DNCR Omnibus & Other Changes, 我们上周报道了一项机构法案,其中涉及与公用事业紧急运营基金相关的利息条款, 澄清某些沿海风暴基金的用途和报销程序, and inventorying fire retardant foam.

库珀州长否决了几项法案,包括 SB 578 Reduce Franchise Tax/Expand Film Grants​. While he's supported the program for the film industry, Governor Cooper took issue with the franchise tax cut, saying in his veto message 该法案“优先考虑减税而不是教育投资...他还在周三签署了SB 250法案,将外国公民从投票名单中删除 three more bills Friday morning. 州长的行动和立法机关的法案的完整清单见

​John Phelps, 长期担任365足彩下载律师,现任总法律顾问, 即将退休,这对办公室和会员来说是喜忧参半的消息. Effective New Years Eve, 菲尔普斯的退役将结束他25年来在365足彩下载为北卡罗莱纳州各城镇所做的重要法律工作. "Throughout his career, 约翰对成员和我们的使命表现出了忠诚,并以最正直的态度行事," said League Executive Director Paul Meyer. "His contributions, expertise, institutional memory, and positive attitude will be greatly missed, and we congratulate and celebrate this well-earned retirement." 
菲尔普斯说,他认为自己“非常幸运,在我职业生涯的大部分时间里,有机会成为市政365足彩下载大家庭的一员——这个大家庭由办公室里伟大的同事和朋友,以及我们州无数辛勤工作、和蔼有礼的市政官员组成。.他补充说:“我怀着复杂的心情退休。, 但我有信心,365足彩下载将继续向前发展,帮助我们的会员服务他们的居民,提高生活质量." 
菲尔普斯曾在该组织的法律团队中担任过不同级别的工作,并在最近退休的长期365足彩下载法律顾问金·希巴德(Kim Hibbard)担任总法律顾问. 请和我们一起祝贺菲尔普斯结束了他漫长而备受赞誉的职业生涯. Prior to joining the League, 他曾在利灵顿和邓恩的私人律师事务所工作,并担任联合国的总法律顾问.C. Rural Water Association. 他在坎贝尔大学(Campbell University)获得法律学位,并持有社会科学学士学位, too from Campbell University. 在这个重要的过渡时期提供连续性和力量, 365足彩下载工作人员律师Jennifer Schneier将担任临时总法律顾问, 与同事律师格雷格·施维茨格贝尔和莫妮卡·杰克逊合作. 施奈尔于2019年春季加入365足彩下载,来自格林斯博罗市的法律团队.

州长任命威尔明顿市长比尔·萨福为他的电影顾问委员会成员, Television and Digital Streaming, according to a news release​. Mayor Saffo is no stranger to the film industry, which has enjoyed a long relationship with his municipality, 绰号“东好莱坞”,也是《365足彩下载》等众多热门电影和《365足彩下载》等电视剧的拍摄地.” Saffo has been Wilmington mayor since 2007. EUE/Screen Gems Executive Vice President Bill Vassar, also of Wilmington, was too named to the film council, as was N.C. 自然和文化资源部部长Susi Hamilton说, a former House member from Wilmington.
州长还任命格林维尔市经理安·沃尔(Ann Wall)为纽约州州长.C. Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board. 一份新闻稿将沃尔命名为该席位,并指出它代表了一个使用地表水供应的市政当局. 沃尔之前曾担任洛基山和夏洛特的助理城市经理,是国际城市的成员 & County Management Association, the release said. 
