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League Bulletin

November 4, 2016

365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶和N.C. 县专员协会执行主任凯文·伦纳德一直密切关注飓风马修的恢复工作. They're seen here at a recent, statewide briefing on the matter.

联邦当局已经批准为另外七个受飓风马修影响的县提供个人和社区灾难援助, 总数达到45人. “我们开始从飓风马修中恢复过来, this assistance will help local governments and families who need it the most," Gov. 帕特·麦克罗里在一次采访中说 press release. 新增的七个县是安森县, Carteret, Chatham, Northampton, Perquimans, 里士满和苏格兰. 州长办公室说的, authorities have to date approved nearly $64 million to help individuals impacted by Matthew. 在写这篇文章的时候, the 45 counties eligible to apply for individual and public assistance are Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chatham, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, Gates, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Hertford, Hoke, Hyde, Johnston, Jones, Lee, Lenoir, Martin, Moore, Nash, Northampton, Onslow, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Pitt, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, Tyrrell, Wake, Washington, Wayne and Wilson. 州长办公室本周还宣布,为某些县受风暴影响的居民提供临时联邦住房援助. Click here for more info.

个人可在以下网址申请协助 disasterassistance.gov. Local governments seeking to apply for public assistance have until Dec. 递交申请公共援助表格(available here) with wendy.estes@ncdps.gov. To remind, N.C. 应急管理部门建议365足彩下载,任何想要帮助北卡罗来纳州东部地方政府进行恢复工作的市政当局都应该联系他们县的应急管理主管,让他们知道他们能够提供哪些资源. 然后,县应急管理主任可以将信息上传到州应急行动中心,以便应急管理人员了解可用的资源. Then they can mobilize them to the areas of the state that need them.

任何没有得到所需资源的受影响的市政当局都应该联系其县应急管理主任办公室请求援助. 如果请求得不到回应, 市政府可以联系罗伯·谢泼德, League Assistant Director of Business and Membership Development Services, at rshepherd@nlcm.org or (336) 456-7151.

Don't forget, you can still make monetary contributions to the relief effort at www.ncfoodbanks.org/NCLM这是365足彩下载与联合国的特殊合作关系.C. 美国食品银行协会. Donations can be made via PayPal account or with a debit or credit card.

The U.S. 环境保护署(EPA)有 released 新的雨水规划指南. The document, "Community Solutions for Voluntary Long-Term Stormwater Planning,作为一套工具,帮助城镇规划管理雨水污染的长期战略. EPA states that the tools "promote the use of flexible solutions that spur economic growth, 刺激基础设施投资, 并帮助遵守环境要求.“提供的信息包括制定长期雨水计划的逐步指南, 用于规划过程的基于web的工具包, and technical assistance for five communities to develop plans as national models. 环保署代表解释说,将雨水项目与更广泛的规划活动联系起来可以降低社区的成本. This EPA release should dovetail nicely with the state’s plans to implement a voluntary 可持续雨水计划 for MS4 permittees -- a project that is being assisted by League affiliates the 北卡罗莱纳雨水协会 and the APWA北卡罗来纳分会.

Municipalities across North Carolina are logging in to http://herewegrownc.org to tell their stories of homegrown economic development and revitalization. These stories, 像这样聚集在一个地方, 这是一个强有力的信息,说明市政府为提高家乡的质量和机会所做的努力和明智的投资——促进整个州的发展. 还没查过呢? 你还在等什么? This FREE, 重要的和感人的活动是你的门户,在体积上说话,使你的同胞城市和城镇的差异. 浏览这些故事 herewegrownc.org and send an email to about@herewegrownc.org to obtain a login. 如果你在我们的市政当局, we'll send you a username and password so you can access the site and submit your story. And don't forget, you can also access a site toolkit that will allow you to:

  • 下载一个可定制的演示文稿,既可以365体育足彩活动,又可以突出你的城市或城镇的努力
  • Download a flyer that can be tailored around your investment story

随着Here We Grow的发展,将会有更多的东西出现,我们很高兴你能加入进来. 欲了解更多信息,请随时发送电子邮件 Scott Mooneyham or Ben Brown on the League staff.

Third-quarter 2016 state pension fund returns are out, showing a 3.根据a news release 来自财政部. Over the past 12 months, the fund of retirement plans experienced an 8.4 percent gain. The fund's assets by the end of the third quarter were at an $89.价值80亿美元,高于87亿美元.第二季度末为60亿美元. Click here for a full report. The news comes as State Treasurer Janet Cowell winds down her service in the department, as she decided 不寻求连任. Since her time in office began in 2009, total pension fund assets have returned 8.每年39%,超过了7%.根据该部门的说法,假设利率为25%. Cowell in a statement recalled her office's work toward a strong fund. “我们首先要稳定养老基金, 在我上任之前的几个月里,在经济衰退最严重的时候,美元已经贬值了20%以上," she said. “然后,我们重新开始工作,并进行战略投资,以优化基金的未来. 随着办公室移交给下一任财务主管, 北卡罗来纳州的公共养老金是全国资金最充足的四个州之一,为公务员的长期利益提供了良好的保障."

Register now 参加下一个365足彩下载赞助的教育论坛——这次是关于无人机及其对地方政府的影响. 该论坛将邀请州众议员. John Torbett of Stanley among other experts on the technology, is scheduled for Nov. 16, 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant meeting room, 8500 Battle Bridge Rd. in Raleigh. The format will include a look at the big picture with drones, 主持小组讨论, 还有一个问答环节.

Drones, 也被称为无人驾驶飞行器(uav), 已经在我们的天空中存在多年了吗, but the near-future is set for exponential growth and new use of drone technology. 美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)的航空航天预测预计,无人机的销售将从2015年到2015年增加.2016年为500万,2020年为700万. As a result, a number of states and cities have taken action to address this enticing, 但有时会有问题, technology. In June 2016, the FAA published regulations to govern the use of drones 并建立了对操作员的要求. 这些规则将为重新设计传统服务产品创造一系列机会. Nevertheless, 无人机技术的广泛使用将为城市政府带来未知的领域. 本地政策将如何处理隐私问题, nuisances, trespassing, 视觉污染和其他公共安全挑战?

365足彩下载的无人机/无人机教育活动 will feature speakers and panelists with perspectives on the industry, programming, 大局观整合研究, urban planning, 法律和政策. 停车场在现场提供. 您也可以通过网络研讨会远程参与. 联系365足彩下载基层倡议和公民参与助理威尔·布鲁克斯,电话:(919)715-8154或 wbrooks@taitiansalon.com with any questions.

Rep. Paul Luebke

365足彩下载对。逝世的消息感到悲痛 Rep. Paul Luebke 上个周末在达勒姆. 长期的立法者, 1990年首次当选, died on Saturday following complications from lymphoma, 据媒体报道. Luebke was 70. 两党都会记住,身为民主党人的吕布克,是处于劣势的坚定不移的立法者. "Paul had an unprecedented concern for working and marginalized communities and families," WRAL quoted 众议院少数党领袖拉里·霍尔说. “Luebke代表是一位敬业的仆人,他在教育和大会上的长期职业生涯反映了他为他的地区服务和帮助北卡罗来纳州人民的不可否认的热情," Gov. Pat McCrory said in a statement. 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔也发表了一份声明:“我们都很幸运能与这样一位始终坚持自己原则的可敬的人共事." Luebke had sought re-election in Durham County's District 30. The League's thoughts and prayers are with Luebke's family and friends in this difficult time.

《365体育足彩》(Municipal Equation)——365足彩下载最受欢迎的双周播客——新一集将于周二播出, and it's all about local economic development -- tools, tips and insider knowledge to help cities and towns grow. Listen to a preview. It's important to recognize that economic development isn't just one thing. 它可以采取许多方向中的一个,每个方向都有自己的领域和一套工具来实现积极的结果. Our expert guests, Mac McCarley and Ron Kimble -- among spotlight speakers at 最近的CityVision 2016大会 -- break it down for us and offer hugely important know-how. 不要错过本期节目.

Click here 所有过去的播客, 包括最近的, 关于城市树木的科学和经济学. 这是我们迄今为止最受欢迎的一集, 感谢我们的国家级嘉宾提供的敏锐见解和令人惊讶的事实. Click here to listen. 该播客可用于 iTunes免费订阅 and can be found on mainstream podcast/radio apps like Stitcher, Google Play and TuneIn. 有节目的想法吗? 请联系主持人兼制片人本·布朗 bbrown@taitiansalon.com.

When the Stong Towns organization put out a national call for nominations of local, public projects that created exceptional community improvement, 西杰佛逊大声回答 took the medal. 阿什县镇的“西杰斐逊振兴计划”,“一个公私合作的市中心重新设计项目, won Strong Towns' "Strongest Infrastructure Project" by popular vote. "When the NCDOT announced the resurfacing of Jefferson Ave. in 2010/2011, the city decided to use it as an opportunity to revitalize a neglected commercial area, 实现了社区在2002年的公众签名中表达的长期愿望, 由北卡罗来纳州立大学资助,获胜者的叙述解释道. The project 拆除架空电线, 用停车标志取代交通灯, created bump-out curbs for better walkability and beautified the scene with new landscaping. The town also coordinated with the local arts council to place art in empty storefronts. "Today, West Jefferson has zero empty storefronts," says Strong Towns. "As a result of increased pedestrian activity on the street, 许多当地企业主也受到启发,对现有店面进行翻新和美化.阅读更多并查看照片 here小镇经理布兰特利·普莱斯(Brantley Price)解释了这个项目带来的巨大好处是经济活力. Click here for media coverage.

Shawnda Martin

一名前365足彩下载实习生在我们国家的首都担任立法事务的领导职务. Shawnda Martin, 2014年夏季至2015年春季在365足彩下载政务团队做法律实习生, is now manager of legislative affairs for the Washington, D.C.-based 金融服务学会 (FSI). 为了组织成员的利益, 马丁将协调和监督众多, 同时负责项目以及协助管理州和联邦立法问题. "At FSI, everything we do starts and ends with working to create a healthier, 为我们的会员——独立的金融服务公司和独立的金融顾问——提供更友好的商业监管环境, 给辛勤工作的普通美国人公正的建议,该组织的网站上写道. 在她加入365足彩下载期间, Martin was of invaluable assistance in covering legislative committee meetings, 监控账单和研究问题, 同时努力从纽约大学毕业.C. 中央大学法学院. 365足彩下载祝贺马丁的成功,并祝愿她在新的岗位上一切顺利.

There is still time to apply to serve on one of the League's policy committees, which is a great way to get involved in the advocacy efforts that benefit all cities and towns. The deadline to 填写一张利息表 is Nov. 18. 你可以把表格交回 政府事务协调员Karen Waddell. The Legislative Action Committees and Regulatory Action Committee 在制定365足彩下载优先事项和使州和联邦决策者了解城镇需求方面发挥着至关重要的作用. Get involved today!