


发生了什么事: The General Assembly on All Hallows' Eve adjourned the 2019 long session. 好吧,算是吧.

这意味着什么?: It came with a number of final pushes on legislation, including sexual assault law reforms to present to the governor, 和 without an override of his state budget veto.​ Legislators also approved measures on online sales tax collections (a plus for local government revenues) 和 expansion to the state’s film grants. Other measures, like a technical corrections bill considered at the end, did not make it through. Neither did a disaster recovery bill that saw the chambers unaligned on spending, 但它很快就会得到更多关注.

在利用: It may not have that finale feel, as legislators are slated to return in a couple weeks, on Nov. 13,和每 休会决议 will be able to take up remaining business in work on conference reports, though congressional redistricting is meant to be the main focus.

不知不觉就到一月份了, 和 the General Assembly is set to return then as well in a session (not to be confused with the short session to begin later in 2020) eyeing conference reports, 否决等等, 可能包括对N的关注.C. 交通部的资金问题. On a side note, we hope you enjoyed your Halloween. 继续往下读,你会得到更多美食.

The House 和 森ate this week approved separate bills designed to provide additional disaster relief to communities 和 residents affected by recent hurricanes, but ultimately were unable to settle differences 和 agreed to do so through conference committee negotiations.

众议院的提案, 2019年HB 1023风暴恢复法案, would have provided $280 million for a range of disaster recovery needs, tapping the state’s Rainy Day Reserves for the money. The 森ate, using a previously unrelated House bill as its vehicle for additional disaster dollars, HB 200 2019风暴恢复法案, directed that the money come from the state’s existing General Fund 和 mostly focused on providing matching funds for federal dollars. That bill would appropriate $132 million to match federal grants 和 provide additional dollars for road repairs. The bill includes another $20 million for rural health care, but is contingent on overriding a veto of the state budget bill.

House 和 森ate negotiators could reach a compromise 和 then approve that legislation on Nov. 13, when the General Assembly is slated to briefly reconvene.

​The end-of-session flurries included bills of interest to cites 和 towns, covering online sales tax collections 和 a more competitive film grant program. 议院派州长来了 SB 557各种财务法律变更 10月. 31, with it language that would increase sales tax collections, 和 subsequently the revenue for local governments, as sales taxes would apply to more online purchases 和 accommodates bookings. (A potential tripping point for the bill came with an adde​​d provision — ultimately removed 和 passed without it — to tax vaping products.)

与此同时, SB 578 Reduce Franchise Tax/Exp和 Film Grants 发现批准, though the bill’s corporate franchise tax cut was not popular with the chambers’ Democrats 和 may face a veto from the governor. 账单的第二部分, 来推动本州的电影资助计划, is supported by cities 和 towns as it aligns with an 365体育足彩目标 他们在会议开始前就走了. 上周简报 对这两个项目都有背景吗.

The League’s 2019 Municipal 工资调查 is now available. The latest version of this annual survey includes salary information for a wide range of positions from 220 municipalities of all sizes across North Carolina. We at the League greatly appreciate all those who took the time to participate in this year’s survey. Results of the survey are free to access for elected officials 和 many employees of League-member municipalities.​

要访问调查, 点击此链接登录365足彩下载的网站. 如果您尚未注册密码, 或者忘记了现有的密码, you can address those issues at the above link as well.

凯哈根, a former state lawmaker 和 later North Carolina’s first female Democratic senator, 66岁去世.

“She made it a mission to inspire young people - especially young girls - to enter public service, 她是许多人的榜样,州长说。. 罗伊·库珀在十月. 28 声明 在她离去时.

过去的政治对手 U.S. 森. 托姆拳手 said he was “absolutely heartbroken by 森ator 凯哈根’s sudden passing 和 we extend our condolences 和 prayers to her loving family 和 many friends. We join all North Carolinians in remembering her dedicated 和 distinguished record of public service to our state 和 nation.” Hagan’s family said in a 声明: “We already miss her humor 和 spirit as the hub of our family, 这是她最爱的角色. Nobody could light up a room 和 make people feel welcome like Kay.” 新闻报道悼念 了解细节.  

加入365足彩下载 和 Duke Energy for a webinar on street lighting strategies 和 rate updates. 本次网络研讨会将于 星期四,11月. 18、从下午1点到3点半.m​. 和 continues discussions that began after the League intervened in the utility’s rate cases before the N.C. 2013年和2017年.

This an opportunity for League members 和 Duke Energy Outdoor Lighting to discuss outdoor lighting rate updates, process 和 overview for converting lights to LED, any upcoming projects (including small attachment capabilities), 和 address any questions municipal customers may have.

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