


事情发生的经过: 仍然生 佛罗伦萨飓风, 北卡罗来纳州和邻近各州的社区不得不与迈克尔作斗争, a major hurricane that leveled parts of Florida upon landfall before breaking to a tropical storm still intense enough to marr the Carolinas on its way northeast.
单词释义: 迈克尔星期四搬到我们这儿来了, putting officials' focus on a new round of damage assessments that will include some damaged homes and big cleanup efforts, though the storm didn't have as much concentration on the North Carolina coast as did Florence. 总的来说, 新闻媒体周五上午报道 迈克尔造成至少12人死亡,其中北卡罗来纳州至少一人死亡. 北卡罗来纳州有50万人断电. 几个学区当天关闭.
利用: The General Assembly was already scheduled to return to session Monday for additional disaster relief framing, 由于佛罗伦萨, whose preliminary damage toll nears $13 billion -- about as much as Hurricanes Matthew and Floyd combined -- according to the governor. 
瘦子: 正如我们在 上周简报, 州和社区领导人将在未来很长一段时间内为此努力, 不仅仅是下周, 因为一些社区仍然受到2016年飓风马修的影响. 我们会随时为您提供援助机会. 请继续阅读本公报了解更多信息.

国家代表. 约翰Faircloth 周四被确认为2018年诺贝尔奖的获得者.C. 市政365足彩下载社区冠军奖. The award was presented to Representative Fairclolth for dedicated support of North Carolina cities and towns during the 2018 legislative session. 报告在立法大楼综合大楼举行. 
Representative Faircloth’s work this past year as bill sponsor and key advocate was crucial in the passage of legislation designed to reduce blight and assist cities and towns in redeveloping abandoned properties. 现在是他的第四届任期,代表着高点县和吉尔福德县的部分地区, he has also worked extensively on public safety issues critical to municipal efforts to keep crime rates low and residents safe. "被遗弃的情况, 破败的房屋会影响整个社区, 周围的业主和整个社区的经济未来,索尔兹伯里市议员凯伦·亚历山大说, 365足彩下载董事会成员. “We are indebted to Representative Faircloth for pursuing a solution to help address this problem.”
亚历山大, 谁代表包括High Point和Guilford县在内的NCLM地区, 周四将该奖项颁发给费尔布众议员. “Having been a lifelong resident of North Carolina municipalities as well as having served for over 30 years in employment and seven years as a city council member with local government entities in North Carolina, I know firsthand that the citizens of our cities and towns are better served when their communities work in concert with the N.C. 市政365足彩下载,”费尔布众议员说. “作为联合国的一员.C. 众议院, I have had numerous occasions to work in cooperation with municipalities and the League when situations arise requiring public policy decisions and legislation is necessary to enable new programs or to modify present practices in response to changing realities.”
The Community Champion Award was originally scheduled to be presented to Faircloth at City Vision 2018, NCLM年会, 由于佛罗伦萨飓风而推迟到春天.

飓风“佛罗伦萨”的灾后恢复工作本周仍在继续. Roy Cooper extended an Executive Order to establish a new state of emergency in counties affected by Hurricane Michael. 为了应对飓风迈克尔, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was forced to revise its meeting schedule for applicant briefings considered crucial for local governments seeking FEMA Public Assistance reimbursements. 修改后的会议日程将持续到周二 在这里. 联邦应急管理局关于采购要求的最后一次网络研讨会将于周一下午1点举行.m.,你可以找到参与的链接 在这里

正如之前在这里发表的那样 北卡罗来纳大学政府学院临时网站 提供一系列与恢复相关的信息, 包括联邦应急管理局的规定, and recently posted a FEMA Disaster Cost Documentation Spreadsheet that can be used to help meet requirements so that you can have the best opportunity for having eligible expenses reimbursed.

你也可以在 最新版的《科茨教规 关于为灾民提供临时住房的分区修订, an issue crucial to meeting housing demand in places w在这里 residents have been displaced.

与此同时, the School of 政府ernment is recommending that local governments affected by both Hurricane Florence and Tropical Storm Michael issue separate states of emergency for Michael. 这样做有助于记录开支.  

金叶基金会通过N管理资金的分配.C. Hurricane Florence Relief Fund, a charitable disaster assistance fund set up by the state. Grant funds may be awarded to units of local government and 501(c)3 nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, and eligible projects include provision of temporary housing and rental assistance and provision of emergency supplies. 项目必须位于联邦灾难声明下的县. 找到更多关于救济基金的信息 在这里.

政府. Roy Cooper提出 a $1.50亿计划 北卡罗来纳州从佛罗伦萨飓风中恢复过来. He's also asking the General Assembly to make "an initial down payment" of $750 million from the total when it holds its special storm-related session next week, 根据星期三 新闻稿 从州长办公室来的. 这份报告详细列出了复苏支出提案, 最大的部分会送到家庭康复中心, 维修或收购以及农场援助. It would also give $25 million to water and sewer system restoration and storm drainage system repair. 对分布, 这些资金将流向金叶公司, which would also receive a separate $25 million to help local governments repair or rebuild government facilities. 为弹性规划提供资金是州长计划的另一个特点. 作为写, 这不是最终结果, with the legislature scheduled to assemble on Monday to discuss its own ideas for storm recovery and may approve a package that differs in details. 阅读美联社报道 关于经济复苏计划和未来的计划. 

Want to your League membership to have a direct impact on advocacy and policy efforts at the NC General Assembly? 那一定要 登记出席 2018年倡导目标会议,11月11日. 2018年12月29日,罗利会议中心. 通过参加会议, your municipality will have a voice and a vote as League members discuss and decide upon the issues that are prioritized when talking with state legislators and policy makers in 2019-2020. 为了有最具代表性的倡导目标, 我们需要尽可能多的城镇代表. 今天注册,以确保您的城镇代表! Also available to attendees is the chance to meet with several disaster-focused organizations – meet one-on-one with representatives to address your specific Hurricane Florence questions or gather information about how to make sure your community is ready for the next emergency situation. 

有时, the good work of municipal government goes unseen -- but the Town of Selma is forcing a difference. 市长谢丽尔·奥利弗称今年为“视觉年”,” referring to several implementations meant to give anyone in the Johnston County municipality — whether living t在这里 or simply passing through — something to behold. 这对增长和业务意味着什么 都在《我们在这里成长 ?, a powerful economic-development storytelling website featuring cities and towns across North Carolina. 365足彩下载和WRAL TechWire的一个项目, 这里我们成长是一个免费的工具,供365足彩下载成员分享, 用他们自己的话来说, 他们所做的一切都是为了改善当地经济, 通过扩展, 国家的. 阅读塞尔玛引人入胜的故事 改进和检查 其他本地商品目录 聚焦从山区到沿海的市政当局. 我还没加入? 这很简单,也很重要. 发送电子邮件至 about@在这里wegrownc.org 请求登录凭据.