


事情发生的经过: 在全国人民的注视下, Hurricane Florence made landfall over Wilmington and advanced at an agonizing, walking pace into the Carolinas, taking lives and property to an extent we've yet to fully calculate. 
单词释义: 来自全国各地的公共和私人团体聚集在这里,为我们受伤的社区尽他们所能, 他们正在评估损失,在很多情况下需要很长时间才能恢复. 受严重影响的新伯尔尼市(City of New Bern)周四发布的一份新闻稿称,评估人员已经计算出,仅在那里,住宅损失就超过6300万美元,商业损失超过2300万美元,预计这一数字还会增加, as those assessments are days from complete. 
利用: A lot of pressure for relief funding on the state and federal levels. 政府. 罗伊·库珀的作品 has called for an October special session​ 据媒体报道,联合国大会的领导人此前曾表示,他们已经做好了准备. 特朗普总统前往卡罗来纳视察受灾地区,并口头承诺全力支持灾后恢复. 与此同时, 政府鼓励受影响较小或未受影响的地区共享资源,以便快速作出反应. 
瘦子: With the full toll not yet in grasp, 我们不可能在本简报中全面介绍佛罗伦萨飓风对我们社区的影响,以及它所需要的反应规模. 从海岸到遥远的内陆,它可以被分解成成千上万个令人惊叹的故事, and we'll continue to hear them for a long time to come.

飓风“佛罗伦萨”的破坏性影响继续波及北卡罗来纳州东南部大部分地区, please know that municipalities affected by the storm are in our thoughts. Even as some floodwater have receded, waters in other areas have risen, and we know that this is hampering recovery efforts. 
You can find information road closings and other emergency factors at http://www.ncdps.政府 /佛罗伦萨. 与此同时, ReadyNC.org continues to provide the fullest scope of information regarding emergency response, 请记住,你们县的应急管理办公室是协调应急响应和恢复的关键联络点.​
Now that recovery efforts have begun in many areas, 重要的是要记住,遵守联邦紧急事务管理局的规定是至关重要的,以便为您提供的合格服务获得全额报销. 此资料表 提供有关碎片清除规则的信息,以便获得联邦应急管理局的补偿. This School of 政府ernment temporary website also provides a range of recovery-related information, including FEMA rules. N.C. 美国紧急事务管理处还警告地方政府,根据联邦应急管理署的规定,如果没有公开招标,就不能签订所谓的“直接行政成本”合同,除非合同低于10美元,000 micro-purchasing threshold.
N.C. Building Inspectors Association, in collaboration with the Office of State Fire Marshal, has set up a response team to assist communities with abnormal inspection load. To make use of this resource, 请联系您当地的应急管理代表,并请求灾害代码执行响应小组(DCERT)的协助,或查找其他信息 在这里.​ 值得注意的是,州法律要求在恢复供电之前对被淹的房屋和企业进行电气检查.
如果你基本上没有受到风暴的影响,并希望为社区提供资源(设备和人员),以应对和恢复工作, please submit the list of resources to your local County Emergency Management Offices. Doing so, these resources can be uploaded to the N.C. 应急管理系统,然后国家应急管理人员可以有序地将资源引导到需要的地方.
Do not hesitate to contact League staff if we can help during this difficult time. Please be safe as you continue doing the important work of response and recovery.

Natural disasters like Florence will disrupt the employment of many individuals, 同时为应对灾难的公共和私营部门的工人创造更多的工作机会. 这里有一些与就业相关的信息,我们希望你和你的居民会觉得有用. 关于如何解决因风暴影响而无法上班的员工的赔偿问题, 参考本网站. Regarding those employees responding to and on-call for disasters, 在这里查找信息. For residents who become unemployed due to the storm’s effects, some may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA). 点击 在这里 for frequently asked questions​, and click 在这里 for documentation that can assist you with filing your claim. The current counties w在这里 the assistance is available are Beaufort, 不伦瑞克, Carteret, 克雷文, 新汉诺威, Onslow, 帕姆利科和潘德. Additional counties may be added to the DUA availability designation at a later date. More information is available at http://des.nc.政府 / DES. 与此同时, 北卡罗来纳州卫生与公众服务部宣布,为食品和营养服务(FNS)项目的人员提供更多的食品购买灵活性,以帮助受佛罗伦萨飓风影响的人们. All those enrolled in all 100 counties will enjoy the ability to purchase hot food, including food prepared for immediate consumption, from authorized Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) retailers using an EBT card. All authorized EBT vendors in the state have been notified about this change, 有效期至10月10日. 31. 点击这里 了解更多信息.

Days after the storm clouds disappeared, several transportation routes remain unusable, 或者充其量是危险的, 作为N.C. 运输部检查了道路和桥梁,以确定损坏的程度. “NCDOT已经从北卡罗来纳州佛罗伦萨飓风受灾不太严重的地区派遣了100多名员工到该州受灾最严重的社区," a 新闻稿 said, adding that additional personnel and equipment would be assigned if needed. 新闻稿包括所有交通方式的详细信息,以及风暴对它们的影响. The information is current as of Wednesday and conditions continue to change, but 政府. Roy Cooper and other state officials remind residents that hazards remain, and concern​ over the integrity of roadways and other infrastructure will remain for some time. Current information on travel in North Carolina is available at drivenc.政府. 相关新闻稿: Help on the Way from the West​

Today, the League released its most recent 收入报告 检查本财政年度第四季度地方政府收到的州征收的地方收入, and the entire 2017-2018 fiscal year. 这些报告提供了各州征收的地方收入的季度趋势快照,并补充了365足彩下载的年度收入预测备忘录, 3月发行. 如果您对收入报告或收入预测有任何疑问,请与我们联系 League Research Strategist Caitlin Saunders​.

国家成立了 网上表格 地方政府可以通过该网站报告与佛罗伦萨有关的历史遗迹损坏情况. North Carolina Historic Preservation Office, 哪个设置了表单, 也在寻找被破坏的墓地和州公路历史标志的信息吗. "This information will help the office to efficiently offer aid, 专业技术, and consultation with federal and state entities for response and recovery efforts,“详细的 新闻稿 解释. It clarified that properties of interest are more than 45 years old. 办公室的网站 还提供建议 for drying out soaked buildings and for insurance documentation.

国家选举和道德执行委员会本周早些时候表示,他们正在与北卡罗来纳州的地方选举官员和政党领导人保持联系,以确定佛罗伦萨飓风及其后果可能对2018年的选举产生什么影响, 根据… 新闻发布会上 来自机构. 它指出,它正在帮助向那些系统因风暴而瘫痪的县发送军事和海外缺席选票. “We are assessing emergency options, and our team is committed to assisting county boards and voters in the affected areas,” said State Board 执行董事 Kim Westbrook Strach. The full 新闻发布会上 has a roundup of options for registered voters in North Carolina.

由于许多受风暴影响的北卡罗来纳人已经回到家中安顿下来,该州卫生官员敦促谨慎行事. “重要的是要对我们将面临的与洪水有关的所有危险保持警惕, 风灾和蚊子," State 健康 Director Elizabeth Tilson said in a 新闻发布会上 它提供了关于社区或个人可以采取措施避免的个人危害的要点和资源.