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League Bulletin

September 18, 2020

​WHAT HAPPENED: A stalemate continued in Congress over local aid. A large municipality fought a judge’s order on short-term rentals. And 2020 Census responses didn’t get any less important.

单词释义:这些故事中都有一个共同的地方当局, which we flesh out in the Bulletin below. 城镇正在努力克服各种因素,继续提供居民和企业所期望的服务. Indeed, we already know from the last recession that municipalities, which play such a large economic role, are vital to the broader recovery.

我们刚刚提到了2020年人口普查,剩下的时间不多了,即使 a federal judge just took additional action 在原定的9月11日截止日期之前,保持员工人数的努力. 30 looms. Each census response accounts for $1,823 per person per year.  

THE SKINNY:今年是动荡不安的一年,充满了意想不到的挑战,这些挑战似乎相互叠加, 但我们很幸运,在我们朝着新年决心努力的过程中,有你们的领导和勤奋——这些决心确实带来了乐观. Read on for the details. 

​A WRAL op-ed this week 敦促大力改善2020年人口普查参与,首先引用365足彩下载关于赌注有多高的说法——“人口普查回应带来1美元,823 per person, per year, in federal and state funds back to N.C. counties and towns…. An incomplete count puts that funding in jeopardy.“365足彩下载及其县和州的合作伙伴一整年都在坚定地推动这一信息, 但随着2020年人口普查的结束,北卡罗来纳州的人口统计将不幸减少. The op-ed also quotes N.C. 行政部长米歇尔·桑德斯称人口普查是“我们民主的基石之一……. Without adequate participation, 我们正冒着每年失去数十亿美元社区资金的风险. 我们渴望增加我们的参与,确保北卡罗来纳州的每个人都算数.“地方领导人应该继续与社区沟通,敦促他们参与, which is directly in their interest. The census is quick and easy to complete. Check out our page of resources to help in the effort.

两党在援助支出数字上的分歧仍在国会存在,各城市和乡镇继续推动直接注入资金,以免丢失或被严格过滤或由州或县政府选择分享所束缚. 但正如《365体育足彩》本周报道的那样,特朗普政府“愿意再考虑1美元.5 trillion in relief for the U.S. 经济和医疗保健系统,包括对州和地方政府的更多援助。.《365足彩下载》援引前北卡罗来纳州国会议员、现任白宫幕僚长马克·梅多斯的话说. 梅多斯表示,这一价格高于共和党人所能接受的水平,但“在这一点上并不是一个引人注目的问题”.” He said he was optimistic about an agreement, though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has sought a higher overall number. Direct aid to state and local governments is reportedly one of the biggest pieces of disagreement; a bipartisan caucus called the Problem Solvers targeted a $500 billion infusion, 而共和党和民主党的目标数字则远低于或高于这一数字, respectively. Roll Call has more details.

​A judge has granted the City of Wilmington a stay on an order 这将废除该市关于住宅和历史街区全屋短期租赁的法令. Earlier this week, 同一位法官还裁定,该法令违反了阻止城镇要求租赁许可的州法律, according to local news channel WWAY. But, on Thursday, “The Judge granted the City’s motion for a stay, 哪一项立即生效,直到上诉程序完成,” the City of Wilmington’s communications office reported in an email. “In the meantime, 市政府将继续接受民宿及整屋租赁的登记申请,一如条例最初通过时一样.” The order that the city is appealing referenced a statute -- 160A-424(c) – which speaks to municipal powers and rental property. The StarNews newspaper of Wilmington has more on this story.​

9月是市政当局被要求向联合国报告的第一个月 N.C. Pandemic Recovery Office (NC PRO) on their expenditure of Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) money. Reports are due on the 20th of every month; because the 20th falls on a Sunday in September, 如果市政当局尚未向其县提交所需的报告,以便县提交给NC PRO, they should do so no later than this coming Monday, Sept. 21.

Because this is the first month of reporting for municipalities, municipalities should submit July, 8月和9月的报告包括自3月1日以来发生的CRF基金的任何合格费用支出. 市政当局7月份的报告应包括3月1日至6月30日的支出. 8月和9月的报告应分别涵盖7月和8月的支出.

在市政当局的第一个报告截止日期之前,365足彩下载和联合国.C. 县专员协会本周与NC PRO的代表共同主持了两次电话会议. (View the slides from those calls.)关于符合条件的费用和报告程序的各种主题的信息可以在 most recent version of CRF FAQs put together by NC PRO. If you have additional questions related to any of these topics, please email League Director of Research & Strategic Initiatives Chris Nida.

今年早些时候,里士满县的诺曼镇(Town of Norman)改变了销售税收入的分配方法,遭遇了一场预算危机, situationally wiping out the town’s main budget source. Now, the town’s government is considering voluntarily suspending its charter, according to the Richmond County Daily Journal, the area newspaper. Previously, the county distributed money to municipalities on a per capita basis, which provided for Norman’s budgeting. 但今年早些时候,该县委员会投票决定将该公式改为从价计算, which isn’t viable for the small town. The situation in Norman is a bit unique, 但该州的市政当局一直对州法律如何允许销售税收入分配的突然变化感到担忧. One of the advocacy goals that North Carolina cities and towns set 在过去的立法两年期之前,是设法修改法律,改变目前有关地方销售税分配的规定,办法是当一个县或立法机关改变其分配销售税收入的方法时,要求延迟一年执行. Language in that spirit appeared in a House municipal omnibus bill in 2019. 虽然众议院一致通过了该法案,但参议院没有通过.
