


事情发生的经过: 在加州州长提起诉讼之后. 罗伊•库珀, a panel of judges blocked two of the six constitutional amendment proposals from the November ballot, arguing the ballot language would mislead voters about their impact if approved.
这意味着什么?: The General Assembly is back in Raleigh to address the ballot language, acting on an option the court gave legislative leaders to "correct" the language. The two proposed amendments in question would move some of the governor's valued appointment authority to the General Assembly. 
利用: Lawmakers will be in back in session Friday and Monday to sort it out, according to 媒体报道. Those reports also point out that the proclamation calling lawmakers back into session does not limit what business they may address. Leaders later said the session will focus exclusively on the amendments.
瘦子: It's just about time to print out the ballots for early voting, and legislative officials including Senate leader Phil Berger say this session's focus on language adjustments in compliance with the court order is in meant to get that process going and minimize any voter confusion.

截止日期是现在! 今天北 2018年城市视觉展,9月9日. 19-21在山核桃. CityVision is the League's premier event full of engaging keynote speakers and informative sessions that will give you the tools you need to face the challenges in your hometowns head on. 今年, CityVision will offer roundtable discussions following each general session to address shared challenges, connect with regional partners and engage in facilitated discussions to gain practical information that you can use immediately.
这是最好的机会 for municipal officials from around the state to dive deep into issues like broadband and technology, 基础设施, 打造城市品牌, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. State Attorney General Josh Stein is also on the agenda to discuss the scourge of opioid abuse and how communities can fight back. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 预登记于8月11日星期五结束. 24, so 现在注册 以避免增加免预约注册费.

The League is seeking local leaders to serve on its newly-created Broadband Task Force. Members of this group will serve as strategic advisors and ambassadors for changing state broadband policies to clearly allow local governments to build broadband 基础设施. If you are interested in becoming a task force member, please email League 立法 Counsel 艾琳Wynia.

All 100 counties charted visitor spending increases in 2017, according to new numbers from the N.C. 商务部公布的数据显示,总体水平创历史新高. 该机构发布了一份 新闻稿 本周报告为23美元.99 billion spent by domestic visitors statewide last year, rising 4.比2016年增加了2%. 州税收收入达到1美元.20亿美元,地方税收738美元.2017年60亿美元. 活动直接支撑225,700 jobs and beyond $6 billion in payroll income within North Carolina.
“The continued growth in visitor spending is great for communities across our entire state,Visit NC执行董事Wit Tuttell说. "North Carolina’s continued position as the sixth most-visited state in the nation with more than 46 million visitors in 2017 reinforces its status as a premier tourism destination.” The challenges of maintaining a robust tourism town in North Carolina received close focus recently in 这是365足彩下载播客“市政方程式”的直播节目.

An 临时内务委员会 examining current challenges faced by public sector water and sewer systems resumed its work Wednesday. 该委员会, 哪个国家今年早些时候开过两次会, continued its charge by learning more about the tools that local governments in North Carolina​ currently have to cooperate more closely in running their systems. At the meeting, UNC School of Government faculty members Norma Houston and Jeff Hughes 向委员会作简报 on models utilized across the state for regional cooperation, 包括形成区域实体, 比如供水和下水道管理部门, 或者签订地方间的协议. 至于下一步,作为委员会的联合主席 代表. 查克•麦迪 stated that he had no firm vision of the direction the committee’s recommendations might take, he hoped they would focus on ways to assist systems that faced financial difficulties, 以及确保清洁水的方法. 代表resentative McGrady mentioned that a stakeholder group—on which the League has participated—would bring recommendations back to the committee for its consideration at its next meeting, 很可能在九月底举行. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

The State of North Carolina provided funds to the Golden LEAF Foundation to make grants to units of local government and 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organizations that serve the people of North Carolina working to recover from Hurricane Matthew, 西部的野火, 热带风暴茱莉亚或热带风暴Hermine. 点击这里 有关申请表格及要求. 完成所有表格后,将它们发送至 programs@goldenleaf.org.
还有N.C. Department of Commerce on Thursday put out a reminder about the availability of up to $11.3 million in forgivable loans for small businesses in communities marred by 2016's most infamous storm in North Carolina. "Helping small businesses hurt by Hurricane Matthew rebuild and grow is an important step in restoring the economic vitality of the communities hit hardest by the storm,美国商务部长安东尼. 科普兰在新闻发布会上说. “While many North Carolina businesses have gotten help to recover, others may not know help is available and we encourage them to apply for these forgivable loans today.” 点击这里 了解更多.