


报名现在是开放的 CityVision 2016年会 在罗利,10月. 23-25. This year, the League is doing things a bit differently -- the 倡导目标会议 将于23日星期日与各城镇一起决定2017-2018年NCGA两年期的立法和监管优先事项. 参加倡导目标会议是帮助我们在2017年及以后更好地定位城镇倡导工作的最佳方式. Make sure your voice is heard 和 your vote is cast at the 倡导目标会议!

Moving into the CityVision 2016年会, you will learn ways to connect success stories to your citizens, 社区及其他, 适应人口和文化的变化, 和 grow a strong economic foundation in your hometown. Make one trip, 和 check off two important conferences on your calendar! 点击这里 to register for both the 倡导目标会议 和 the CityVision 2016年会.

本周,联邦上诉法院的一项裁决确认,在市政宽带传输方面,州法律优于地方当局, though the case could have a future before the U.S. 最高法院. 美国.S. 周三,第六巡回上诉法院反对联邦通信委员会(FCC)的权力,该机构有权先发制人,限制市政当局提供的宽带服务的扩展. The court case centered on such offerings from Wilson 和 from Chattanooga, Tenn., 在municipally-run, 超高速互联网被认为是商业增长和居民上网的福音. North Carolina 和 Tennessee have laws limiting how cities can offer that service, such as with territorial or city-border restrictions. 2015年的FCC, 然而, 发布了一项裁决,优先考虑那些被视为宽带接入和竞争障碍的州法律的部分内容. The states fought back in court, leading to Wednesday's appellate decision. 推翻联邦通信委员会的裁决, the court found that federal law doesn't explicitly support such preemption of state laws. 点击这里 宣读法院的判决.

全国城市365足彩下载 一份声明 called the court's decision a blow to local decision-making authority. “城市领导——代表着最受信任的政府级别——知道高速互联网不是奢侈品, 但这是创造就业的必要条件, quality healthcare 和 education to their residents,NLC首席执行官克拉伦斯. 安东尼. "The cities of Chattanooga, Tennessee, 和 Wilson, N.C., have thoughtfully invested in the broadb和 infrastructure that their communities want 和 need, 和 the FCC has championed these 和 other municipal efforts.“对联邦通信委员会的裁决是在最需要改善数字连接的时候做出的, 安东尼补充道.

不管结果如何, the appellate ruling notes the benefits of Wilson's Greenlight community broadb和, 城市运营的千兆互联网服务. "Each of the top seven employers in Wilson is a customer of the fiber network," it states. "Local schools benefit from using Greenlight, as does the City's public library.市中心提供的免费WiFi“反过来又为那里的企业节省了资金”, 裁决补充道. 总结一下, 它指出,威尔逊和查塔努加寻求扩张“因为他们所在地区的私人有线电视提供商对当地居民和企业不满意。.“因此, 该裁决指出,这些城市“关心的不仅仅是‘底线’——他们还关心他们所服务的社区的利益。."

365足彩下载有 praised the prior FCC ruling that supported municipalities' authority with broadb和. 当时, 365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶指出,北卡罗莱纳州社区的高速互联网对于“促进所有北卡罗莱纳州人的教育成就和支持经济机会”至关重要, whether the Last Mile provider is a municipal government or a private company. 适当的做法是,各市政当局拥有工具和决策权,以应对它们所面临的截然不同的挑战." The City of Wilson was an intervenor in the appellate case. The League filed an amicus brief in support of the city. 在写这篇文章的时候, 目前尚不清楚联邦通信委员会是否会向最高法院请愿,以维持其对市政当局有利的裁决. 点击 在这里, 在这里, 在这里 和 在这里 媒体报道. The court decision l和ed around the same time as 报告 谷歌计划在全国各地测试高速光纤互联网和“实验发射机”, 包括 三角形.

周四,在联邦法院的诉讼中,28个州的立法区被裁定为种族不公正划分, a development that requires the General Assembly to redraw 的界限 正好赶上2018年的选举周期. With the current election cycle essentially on the closing arc, the three-judge panel that rendered the decision decided to let it unfold as is, 为了避免混乱. 这一进展源于原告提出的一项法律挑战,他们称基于种族的地区地图是非法的, 据称,划定边界是为了影响黑人居民的投票权,并最大限度地减少民主党在立法机构中的席位. "This state’s citizens have the right to vote in districts that accord with the Constitution," U.S. Circuit Judge James Wynn wrote in the decision. 点击这里 阅读全文.

代表. 大卫•刘易斯, a 代表ublican from Dunn who helped draw the House map, tweeted that he was "disappointed" by the decision 和 that it "contradicts" a prior N.C. 最高法院 ruling in support of the districts as they are. “然而, 我们为选民感到欣慰的是,地方法院没有干扰目前正在进行的选举,刘易斯说. 阅读媒体报道 在这里在这里.

大会资助了一个新的政策中心,据报道,该中心将在修订州水污染法规和其他环境领域的努力中发挥核心作用. 本周的媒体报道 notes a state budget provision that establishes the N.C. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校政策合作实验室研究如何管理自然资源的环境和经济因素. The Collaboratory would also look into new technologies for improving habitats 和 water quality. The state's budget programs $1 million a year for the center, 根据海岸评论在线的说法,它也意味着为州和地方政府提供政策和研究资源,并可能向大会提出建议.
Visitation to North Carolina's state sites, attractions 和 museums is up, according to 新闻稿 这周从州长办公室来的. 这个州的地图是7.7 percent increase for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 与前一年相比, with total visitation to these natural 和 cultural sites up by nearly 1.800万年. “数据显示,来自本州、全国和世界各地的游客都涌向北卡罗来纳州,体验我们的自然美景和无与伦比的生活质量,“政府. 帕特·麦克罗里说. "As our population continues to increase 和 more people visit our state, 对州立公园进行战略性投资, the zoo 和 overall quality of life will prepare our state for future growth.“种植最多的是N.C. Museum of Art in Raleigh, which saw a 34 percent increase in visitorship.
为期五周的挑战将于9月9日结束. 9 is underway for cities to demonstrate their solar-friendliness, 全国公认最好的. 这是 SolSmart 程序 《365足彩下载》在4月份的文章中写道. 这项由联邦政府资助的倡议旨在帮助市政当局消除太阳能实施的障碍,并发挥最佳实践,以最大限度地提高经济机会. “我们正在挑战城市,通过完成SolSmart指定记分卡来证明它们是多么的太阳能友好," explained Nick Kasza of the National League of Cities' Sustainable Cities Institute, which is part of the team administering SolSmart. 点击这里 for a participation form 和 more information on SolSmart. 最佳获奖者将获得两张全国城市365足彩下载2016年城市峰会的免费入场券,并在峰会的能源政策研讨会上发表演讲. "Even if your city doesn't finish in the top two positions, 任何完成指定记分卡的社区都有资格获得免费技术援助,以改善其太阳能市场,卡萨指出.
是的,这是真的 # CityHallSelfie天 is an actual, international celebration scheduled for Monday, Aug. 15. 世界各地的人们都会发帖 selfies, 在他们的市政厅前拍摄的, 在Facebook等社交媒体渠道上, Instagram, Twitter 和 Snapchat with the #CityHallSelfie hashtag so the world can see. 而且还有奖品. 与地方政府领导接触(ELGL), the national group promoting # CityHallSelfie天, says everyone who participates will get an ELGL coozie 和 has a chance to win a 有问题把 其他奖项. 其目的是提高人们对地方政府的兴趣,并打破单日在市政厅前自拍次数的记录. “记录是什么?? We’re not quite sure but we’ve pegged it at around nine," quips ELGL. Please encourage staffers 和 residents in your town to participate.

What did you think of the last episode of 市政方程? 我们从听众那里得到了很好的反馈,他们对地方依恋的科学感兴趣,也对地方政府应该如何理解人们与城镇的联系感兴趣. 错过了? 没有问题. 听 在这里. You'll hear a great discussion with Melody Warnick, 新书《365足彩下载》的作者."

And be sure to check out Episode Five, coming out this Tuesday. 点击这里 预览一下. 我们与包括罗利市通讯总监达米安·格雷厄姆在内的嘉宾讨论了该市如何利用现场音乐——通过专业制作的政府访问电视节目——将居民与城市的艺术场景和当地政府联系起来. Graham notes that it helps to humanize government 和 attract attention to Raleigh's vibrancy. 那是八月星期二. 16, on 市政方程, a podcast created by the League to spread good ideas, discuss local-level challenges 和 celebrate success stories. 你可以 在iTunes上免费订阅 或者找到所有过去的剧集 在这里.