


关于新立法对系统开发费用或影响费的影响,有很多问题悬而未决, 365足彩下载立法顾问Erin Wynia和罗利市副律师Dan McLawhorn撰写了一份澄清指南. "A New Day and Way for Setting Utility Impact Fees" offers background, 上下文, an explanation of the new legislation (HB 436) and a straightforward Q&A section, all within a digestible 10 pages. 你可以 在此下载 现在.

距离“连接城市愿景2017”(Connect CityVision 2017)的预注册仅剩两周时间. 20-23 in Greenville -- and seats are filling quickly. 现在注册 代表你的小镇. 不要错过与来自北卡罗莱纳州各地的数百名市政官员一起建立网络并学习连接技术的最佳实践的机会, to neighboring cities and towns, to regional projects and organizations, and to influential leadership skills. 年会也是会员选举官员和修改宪法或章程的地方. T在这里's no other event like CityVision. 现在注册!

现在就注册365足彩下载的八月. 15网络研讨会上的小蜂窝无线立法,最近通过了大会,并了解它对地方政府意味着什么. 登记后, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar, 哪一个上午10点开始.m.

Legislators returned to Raleigh on Thursday for a one-day, reconvened legislative session that saw limited action. 两项措施获批准, 虽然, will affect municipalities, 一项影响多个城镇占用税的法案在参议院获得了最终批准,参众两院就一项范围广泛的监管法案达成了一致,其中包括一项改变雨水的法案.

议员们曾在6月份决定在预定日期重新召开会议,以解决州长否决的任何问题. 罗伊·库珀,同时也在等待法院关于划定新的立法区的指示. 尽管有这些意图, 他们拒绝行使否决权,因为一些人的缺席使推翻投票变得更加不可预测. Instead, they will reconvene again on Aug. 18.

The 森ate did give final approval to SB 552 Omnibus Local Occupancy Tax, 这项立法将允许杰克逊维尔市将更多的地方占用税收入用于基础设施建设. 它还允许桑福德市和萨鲁达镇开始征收占用税. 允许占用税支出更灵活的变化符合城镇的倡导目标,即允许将更多的资金用于基础设施建设,而不是将大部分资金用于促销活动,这有助于为社区带来旅游收入. The House and 森ate agreed on the compromise bill back in June, 但从程序上讲,参议院在对妥协方案进行第二次也是最后一次投票之前已经没有时间了.

的条款 SB 16商业 & 机构注册. 2017年改革法案 ——最终版本将于周四获得参众两院的批准——将明确各州的雨水管理规定,其中的措辞将表明, if an existing development is redeveloped, stormwater mitigation would apply only to the additional impervious surface. Read media coverage of the one-day session 在这里.

政府. 罗伊•库珀 has cleared his desk of bills in-waiting, at least those approved before Thursday's one-day reconvened legislative session. On Monday, his office gave notice that he had let the last four remaining bills become law without his signature. None dealt with municipal issues. 他们包括 HB 527 Restore/Preserve Campus Free Speech,这与政府有关. 库珀对大学校园表达统一政策的概念提出了质疑,而不是让大学各自的领导人来决定. Still, he did not veto the legislation.
森. 汤米·塔克 瓦克肖周四宣布,他不会寻求连任联合国大会的席位. 在一个 statement shared by news outlets on social media, 商会财政委员会的联合主席说,他“长期以来一直相信法官和政治家的任期限制”. After serving four terms in the N.C. 参议员们,现在是我允许其他人介入并服务于联合县和我们州的时候了." 森ator Tucker was first elected in 2010. 他的立法委员会成员还包括参议院规则和地方政府联合立法委员会.

Local governments are benefiting from the 公告 of more than $168.国家水利基础设施管理局已经批准了62个饮用水和污水处理项目的赠款和贷款,总额为500万美元. They're part of the second of three rounds of Connect NC bond money, according to a 新闻稿 详细说明援助. "The need for improvement, rehabilitation and replacement of water systems statewide is great,——金·科尔森, director of DEQ’s water infrastructure division, 说. “没有这笔资金, many communities could not even begin to start working on their infrastructure problems."


Don your headphones and load up a 全新的一集 市政方程. 概要:如果我们收集一堆美国各地市长的“城市状况”演讲.S. and overlap them, what words and themes do you think will line up? Well, the National League of Cities 这样行吗,这很有启发性. 我们和NLC聊了聊在宝石点缀的富兰克林山城发生的罕见日全食,聊了聊他们的最新调查,看看今天的市长们都在齐声说些什么,以及为什么. A few North Carolina mayors make an appearance as well -- Bob Scott of Franklin, Bill Saffo of Wilmington and Gloristine Brown of Bethel join League President Bob Matheny, 西布伦的市长, to discuss the challenges and changes in their towns. That's all on the latest episode of 市政方程, the League's biweekly podcast about cities and towns in changing times. 在iTunes上订阅 (and leave a friendly review).

N.C. 商务部 发出了一份备忘录 关于为去年遭受飓风“马修”袭击地区的小企业提供1000万美元社区发展整体赠款的情况, "especially the four most impacted counties: Robeson, 坎伯兰, Edgecombe, 和韦恩." Eligible applicants include local government entities, interested small-business organizations, 非营利性小企业贷款中介机构(包括社区发展金融机构), and formal partnerships between such entities.
Concord Mayor Scott Padgett has been appointed to the Local 政府ernment Commission, an appointment made by 政府. 罗伊•库珀. 帕吉特市长,在 新闻发布会上 from the city, called it an honor. “我期待着在维护北卡罗来纳州财政责任和良好政府的悠久传统方面发挥作用, embodied every day by the 13,000 units of local government ranging from cities and counties to boards of education, 特殊的地区, 和有关部门." According to the release, 市长帕吉特, who has served in that office since 2001 following many years on the city council, will leave his mayoral seat this December. The League congratulates him on the appointment.
全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)周三宣布了一项新计划,旨在提高美国各城镇的当地气候参与活动.S. 这是国家图书馆的一部分 Sustainable Cities Institute,帮助市政当局确定和实施清洁空气、水和土地的措施. 国家图书馆的公告 关于新项目, launched in partnership with ecoAmerica, provides details on the tools and resources offered. 它们包括:"让我们谈谈社区 & Climate: Communication Guidance for City and Community Leaders."

该州东南部的社区正在处理一种意想不到的化合物,叫做 GenX in public water supplies, 一个专注于保护公众和环境免受新型或不受管制化学品影响的国家科学小组已经扩大, 根据政府. 罗伊•库珀's administration. “我们正在采取一切必要措施,通过解决新出现的令人担忧的化学物质,如GenX和六价铬,来保护公众健康以及水和空气的质量," N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Secretary Michael Regan 说 in the 公告 triggered by action from the governor. “这个小组将为国家提供急需的科学专业知识来应对这些问题.这个名为“秘书科学顾问委员会”的小组将从8名成员扩大到11名成员. 它的职责将包括执行或建议对排放到环境中的污染物进行审查和评估,并在该机构为新出现的污染物设定健康目标时向州卫生官员提供意见. 这个小组是新的 宪章 提供详细信息.