


365足彩下载发布了 其最新的收入报告 – a quarterly update on the League's annual forecast of state-collected local revenues, 每年三月出版. Produced by League Director of Research and Strategic Initiatives Chris Nida, the report examines state-collected local government revenues through the third quarter of the 2016-17 fiscal year.

Several additional General Assembly-approved bills received Gov. 罗伊·库珀的签名. 其中(按账单号提交):

  • HB 89, 允许市政当局转移权力的法案, 职责, and Responsibilities of a Public Housing Authority to a Regional Council of Government
  • HB 128, An Act to Prohibit the Use of an Unmanned Aircraft System Near a Local Confinement Facility or State or Federal Correctional Facility
  • HB 138, An Act to Standardize Criteria for Classification of Criminal Gang Membership, Create a Sentencing Enhancement for Certain Crimes Perpetrated by Gang Members, 加大对部分涉黑犯罪处罚力度
  • HB 161, 要求国家撤资的法案, and Prohibit State Agencies (including political subdivisions of the state) From Contracting With, Companies that Boycott Israel and to Amend the Existing Sudan and Iran Divestment Statutes
  • HB 396, An Act Authorizing the City of Wilson to Continue the Provision of Communication Services in the City's Temporary Extension Areas Until Thirty Days After Alternative Service is Established

这些法案和其他法案将于本周生效 否决)详列于 新闻稿 从州长办公室来的. 同样在本周,365足彩下载提供了它的 会议结束公告 for in-depth information about the 2017 legislative session and the status of bills considered.

The League has scheduled two post-legislative session webinars, each to provide clarity on an item of high interest to cities and towns lately, 遵循大会的行动. 第一个网络研讨会,上午10点.m. 七月三十一日(登记), will explain legislation concerning impact fees or capacity development fees. (Additionally, the UNC School of Government will hold its own 影响费网络研讨会 8月. 17.)第二次是在上午10点.m. 8月. 15 (登记), will explain new small-cell wireless legislation and what it means for municipalities. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar.

Zebulon Mayor and League President Bob Matheny with Nomaco officials at a recent ribbon cutting for a boost to the company and the town. 图片由西布伦镇提供

产能增长, one of Zebulon’s longtime corporate residents is expanding in square-footage and personnel with eyes for an innovative future. 6月, 超过130人参与或服务于诺马科, 定制工程泡沫制造商, 聚集在一起庆祝60周年的开幕,000-square-foot Gert Noël Innovation Center on Zebulon’s East Gannon Avenue, 正好赶上诺马科38周年纪念. “This is an exciting milestone for our company,” said CEO Lars von Kantzow.

But why does Nomaco consider Zebulon's local government to be a great growth partner? 在她的成长中读这个故事.org 为了找出答案. 这是网上的家 我们在这里成长, the League's economic development campaign collecting stories of plans, 投资, solutions and success from city and town halls across North Carolina -- so you can see for yourself how they add up for the state. 坎纳波利斯最近也增加了一个更新 -- the town released an animation of its West Avenue streetscape, the first component of the City’s visionary Downtown Revitalization Project that is expected to bring over $370 million in private investment to Kannapolis once completed.

提交你自己的故事 herewegrownc.org. 不注册? If you're one of our member municipalities, send an email to about@herewegrownc.org 获取登录凭据. 这很容易,而且显示了你对国家的重要性.

The federal government is expected to provide North Carolina nearly $32 million in additional funds to help communities still trying to heal after Hurricane Matthew. 美国.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development "had previously allocated just $6.1 million under the 2017 appropriations omnibus but revisited its assessment at North Carolina's request,注释: 新闻稿 从州长办公室来的, adding that work is underway to secure more funds. 2016年的风暴造成了大约4美元的损失.80亿美元的损失. 近1美元.3 billion in state and federal relief money has been programmed here to date, 州长办公室说的.

The pre-登记 deadline isn't far off for the League's annual conference -- Connect CityVision 2017 -- scheduled for Sept. 格林维尔20-23号. 现在就注册! Don't miss your chance to join with hundreds of municipal officials from across North Carolina to network and learn best practices for connecting to technology, 到邻近的城镇, 给区域项目和组织, 以及有影响力的领导能力. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 没有其他活动能像CityVision这样. 现在注册!

美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the launch of its 水务金融结算所, a web-based portal to help communities make informed financing decisions for their drinking water, 废水, 以及雨水基础设施的需求. The Clearinghouse provides communities with a searchable database with more than $10 billion in water funding sources and over 550 resources to support local water infrastructure projects. It consolidates and expands upon existing EPA-supported databases to create a one-stop-shop for all community water finance needs, 该机构表示.

"Investing in water infrastructure sustains local economies by creating jobs, 保护公众健康, 提高生活质量,美国环保署水办公室副助理署长D. Lee Forsgren via 新闻稿. "EPA’s Clearinghouse is a vital portal that helps connect communities with the information and tools they need to finance much needed water infrastructure improvement projects." The 新闻稿 also announces a series of dates through August for 关于如何使用信息交换中心的网络研讨会.