


事情发生的经过: The General Assembly sent the governor a 权宜法案 继续向北卡罗来纳州提供联邦资金,因为该州的预算僵局仍然存在. An override vote on the governor's budget veto didn't materialize, though the majority party continued work to that end. 个别的闭会结束后议案仍在继续推进,众议院领导人保持各委员会的正常运作. And a 代表ublican House member resigned. ​​
单词释义: We're still going at the General Assembly, 尽管众议院规则主席大卫·刘易斯确实告诉内部州政府新闻社,正在考虑的法案数量将在下周和下周减少. The state budget veto remains on the calendar.
利用: There's a process for replacing a resigned legislator, in this case for House District 113 in western North Carolina, which until noon today (Friday) was occupied by Cody Henson, who explained his departure in a Facebook帖子. 直到这个席位被填补(截至撰写本文时,尚不清楚何时会发生); 由法律规定 党选择人选,州长应该在7天内批准任命。, there's one less vote on the 代表ublican side of the chamber. House leaders expect votes daily next week. 
瘦子: 在我们进入新财政年度的第26天之际,琼斯街周围有很多活动, 尽管我们还没有公开看到州长和立法机构之间达成任何协议的迹象,这将导致签署和颁布州预算. But there have been actions on bills we're following. Read on for the updates. 


在参议院通过了几项有利的修正案后,周二参议院通过了一项关于广告牌搬迁规则的法案. HB 645 Revisions to Outdoor Advertising Laws​ allows billboard owners to relocate signs, pursuant to numerous restrictions, 当拆迁是由谴责行动引起的,如道路拓宽. Throughout the legislative process, 国联已努力对在谴责期间可以移动标志的地方施加更多限制. 365足彩下载赞赏主要法案提案国愿意列入这些限制. The bill now returns to the House for a concurrence vote.

The Cooper administration is touting its efforts to improve broadband access, 尽管承认该州的许多农村地区仍然没有可靠和快速的互联网连接. 上周,该州首席信息官埃里克·博耶特在莫尔黑德市向42号州际公路走廊委员会董事会介绍了该州改善宽带接入的举措, focusing on those included under an executive order signed by Gov. 罗伊·库珀在三月. 行政命令的规定和库珀政府的其他行动有可能促进并受益于地方公私宽带合作关系. FIBER NC法案, introduced this session with overwhelming bipartisan support, 会释放地方政府与私人互联网服务提供商合作建设宽带网络的能力吗. Read more about Boyette’s 讨论 在这里.

本周, House Alcoholic Beverage Control C​​ommittee 举行听证会 HB 971 Modern Licensure Model for Alcohol Control​, 哪个会对该州的酒类销售系统产生重大变化. No vote was taken and immediate action on the bill is not expected. Sponsors of the bill revised the language through a proposed committee substitute ​并释放了 财政备忘录 showing the financial implications of the bill. The bill calls for the elimination o​​f all state ABC stores by Jan. 从2022年1月1日开始,转向由1500名私人供应商组成的系统,这些供应商将根据许可证进行销售. Based on excise tax changes, 这份财政备忘录显示,到2022-23年,地方政府的收入将比现行制度下增加5500万美元. 代表. 查克•麦迪, 谁发起了这项法案?, 表示支持增加地方财政收入. 该法案的发起人表示,仍有工作要做,并欢迎感兴趣的各方提供反馈.
​Among other bills that saw activity this week: 

-​Budget: Without a state budget in law yet, the legislature sent the governor a limited stopgap bill, HB 961 Ensuring Authorization of Federal Funds​.​​ The bill lists ​implicated programs​, 其中许多项目属于卫生和公众服务部或用于社区发展.

-Utility safety: The Senate passed HB 872 Underground Utility Safety Act/Changes​, which would make various technical changes to the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act​ and give more authority to the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board. 该法案是广泛利益相关者过程的结果,现在将提交州长签署.

流量控制: HB 784 Traffic-Control 培训 Program​ passed the House and has gone to the Senate for consideration. 它将指示执法机构提高交通管制人员的年龄要求,并在社区大学系统中开设培训课程.

大麻:在一项将无精神活性的可吸食大麻定义为大麻的提议上出现分歧后, a House committee this week approved a substitute version of SB 315 North Carolina Farm Act of 2019​ ​defining them differently. ​WRAL覆盖 of the story includes viewpoints from law enforcement.​

​Amid a recent General Assembly 讨论 of pre-empting local regulation of short-term rentals, WRAL采访 365足彩下载政治沟通和协调主任斯科特·穆尼厄姆(Scott moonyham)解释了为什么最了解社区情况和愿望的地方政府应该保留地方当局的选择权. 而人口密集地区的商业酒店和汽车旅馆通常都遵守分区规定, 像Airbnbs这样的短租房正在成为居民区事实上的酒店, 有些社区为了保护邻居而试图规范哪些行为, Mooneyham noted in the piece that aired last weekend. "Those people need to be protected, their quality of life needs to be protected, 而这项投资——大多数人将要做的最重要的投资——需要得到保护,穆尼汉姆说. The full video and accompanying article are on WRAL的网站

东斯宾塞镇和达勒姆市是最新的社区,显示了当地社区的经济发展实力 我们在这里成长, a partnership between the League and WRAL TechWire 分享由北卡罗来纳州市政当局推动的负责任的增长和巨大回报的有力故事. For the Town of East Spencer, a 1,500-population town in the Piedmont, the motto since 2012 has been "Change the Image and Change the Mindset." At herewegrownc.org,小镇 explains how they've done just that​ 通过明智的规划,积极的拨款追求和居民的健康参与. 达勒姆 这是一个故事 市政府如何利用地方资金撬杠杆私人投资,并鼓励历史悠久的东北达勒姆中部地区的经济稳定, which in recent years had seen business closures and bad ripple effects. It's turning around now. “这些物业的修复和再开发有助于这条目标商业走廊及其周边社区的持续振兴和活力,一位市政官员说. 阅读有关它的所有内容 我们在这里成长, and please consider sharing your municipality's story as well. 整个州的城镇都在为实现繁荣而调动人才和资源, bring new jobs and enhance the quality of life. 联系 about@herewegrownc.org 了解更多信息. 

国家水利基础设施管理局已经签署了1.12亿美元的贷款,用于满足社区的用水和废水需求. 这些贷款的规模各不相同,从山区到沿海地区都有. The Town of Murphy is down for almost $795,000 for sewer fixes; the City of Fayetteville is getting $22.5 million in wastewater system funding. "These loans begin to address the challenge based on the greatest need," Gov. 罗伊·库珀在一次采访中说 新闻稿. 报告指出,20年的供水和下水道基础设施需求清单从170亿美元到260亿美元不等. 新闻稿提供了有关资金来源和已接受援助项目的全部信息.