


WHAT HAPPENED: National-audience media continued focuses on how the pandemic is hurting municipal budgets and jeopardizing the ingredients for economic health, 与 《365体育足彩》特别强调了北卡罗来纳州 in an article that quotes League 执行董事 Paul Meyer and others here. It’s so important to stay connected to your members of Congress to emphasize the need for immediate federal aid.

背后的含义是:一切都和数据有关,而且很残酷. 我们已经更新 我们的备忘录 projecting hard-to-stomach losses among municipalities as the pandemic affects revenues. 在你与联邦立法者的谈话中, 分享来自你所在城市的数据支持的故事,以便清晰地理解. 

我们还在等待美国政府的计划.S. 在写这篇文章的时候,参议院寻求救济. 

瘦骨嶙峋:下面是一个充实的故事. 影响是真实的. 城镇是国家和民族的经济驱动力, 而他们在家里的健康是避免病情严重的关键, 延长经济衰退的连锁反应.


引用NCLM执行主任保罗·迈耶的话 《365体育足彩》的一篇报道 published this week on the pain felt in the municipal government utility coffers of North Carolina under 新型冠状病毒肺炎 consumer impacts. 这个故事, 题为, 在北卡罗来纳州, unpaid electric and water bills are driving families and cities to the financial brink,” points out that as many as 1 million families in North Carolina have fallen behind on utility bills. The municipal governments that operate utilities are subsequently in budget crises and need emergency aid quickly. “We are entering a phase where the utilities [may] be able to shut off power, 但是是什么支撑着人们的经济生活, 失业救济和关怀法案的支持, 不会在那里,迈耶告诉《365体育足彩》. 

365足彩下载, 跨社交媒体, 写信和面谈, has pressed Congress for emergency relief funds to avoid rippling consequences from unstable utilities and other budget concerns. 但联邦立法者尚未就这一授权达成一致. Please stay connected with your members of Congress on this urgent need; share data from your city or town for a clear understanding. 《365体育足彩》的文章着眼于北卡罗来纳州的特定城镇, 比如伊丽莎白城和红泉, 本地号码能说明什么. 阅读全文. 迈耶本周还出现在一篇文章中 音频采访 与NC政策观察就此事进行了讨论. 

WLOS also reported this week on the overall revenue-loss crisis for local governments, 引用了北卡罗来纳州各地市长的话, 包括365足彩下载副主席兼索尔兹伯里市长凯伦·亚历山大. 阿什维尔市长埃斯特·曼海默警告裁员, 而金斯顿市长唐·哈迪预测,小城镇将受到严重影响. 阅读全文.


365足彩下载 has updated its memo detailing 新型冠状病毒肺炎 related revenue losses on cities and towns, 保守估计, 基于各种来源, 覆盖本财政年度的剩余时间. 到目前为止,预计总损失收入为5.99亿美元. “如果N.C. 回归更严格的居家令, or the economic effects of the pandemic worsen or linger into the second half of 2021, municipalities will need more money to offset accompanying revenue losses.” 查看备忘录全文


​It’s not just the cities and towns themselves that understand the dire financial situation that will take hold should local governments be left out of the next aid package. 私营部门的领导人也意识到了,他们已经 寄了一封信 敦促联邦立法者为我们的城镇提供救济. 


“我们相信你是知道的, those effects include the choking of revenue streams that fund infrastructure vital to a healthy economy and crucial to economic recovery moving forward. 道路建设及保养, 公立学校及其他教育建筑, 供水及污水处理设施, and numerous other public works create a foundation on which private-sector activity flourishes. 没有这个基础,经济复苏将被推迟. 建筑和相关行业的工作岗位将会减少."
政府. Roy Cooper announced last week he would not extend the utility shutoff prohibition created by Executive Order 124. 该命令“将于本月底到期”,州长上周五在给公用事业供应商的一封信中说, "but I want to stress that the section of the Order pertaining to repayment plans of at least six months will remain in place. I encourage you to reach out to your customers not only to set up these plans, but to also connect them with any available relief that can help them avoid utility disconnections." 阅读全文.

The UNC School of 政府ernment has scheduled a free Zoom webinar on July 28 at 1 p.m. 来检查一下接下来会发生什么. “We’ll talk about disconnections, late penalties, and payment plans,” an announcement says. 还计划查看财务影响数据. 需要注册. 点击这里了解更多详情

As discussions regarding additional aid to local governments continue at the federal level, municipalities can be taking steps now to ensure they are able to utilize funds they receive from the previously passed CARES Act. Counties should have already received or will soon be receiving their second allocation 冠状病毒救援基金(CRF)该法案是作为《365足彩下载》的一部分通过的. N.C. General Assembly appropriated a total of $300 million – approximately 8 percent of the total CRF money received by the state – to counties 与 requirement that counties pass on at least 25 percent of their total allocation to the municipalities within their borders. Municipalities are encouraged to contact officials 与ir county now to discuss how the county plans to distribute funds to municipalities and other ways that the county can assist with fulfilling certain requirements. 例如, municipalities must submit a plan for how they plan to spend their allocated money to the county so that the county can submit plans to the state by Sept. 1. 任何市政当局在9月9日之前没有提交这样的计划. 1有失去其分配资金的风险. Counties and municipalities may also wish to enter into an interlocal agreement regarding CRF funds. Additional information, including FAQs on eligible CRF expenses, presentations from N.C. Pandemic Recovery Office (NC PRO) staff, and more can all be found at the NC PRO网站.


​An 关于WRAL的文章 this week looks at broadband through a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 lens to highlight the need for good policy, 就像上届大会上提出的光纤NC法案一样, to expand access to the Internet as many communities go unserved or underserved. “人们每天依赖互联网不仅仅是为了交流, 但是受教育的机会, 医疗保健, 和就业,这篇文章写道. “The reliance on the Internet for these things has only increased as people have been forced to quarantine and places of work and business have closed their physical doors.它还引用了众议员奥巴马的话说. Josh Dobson, “Internet is essential to function, it’s no longer just a luxury to have. 这是至关重要的. 这是至关重要的. 这对医疗保健至关重要,对学校系统至关重要.“代表. 多布森是FIBER NC法案的发起人之一, which would give local governments flexibility to partner with private providers to connect those underserved areas with high-speed Internet. 阅读全文. 另请参阅 这个专栏 在新闻中发表 & Observer pushing better broadband through a schools and remote-learning angle.