


​WHAT HAPPENED: The legislature adjourned until September after a series of floor votes failed to override a series of Gov. 罗伊 Cooper’s recent bill vetoes, including those focused on business reopenings 在新型冠状病毒肺炎. Municipal business wasn’t a big part of the General Assembly’s week, but discussions did play out at the executive level regarding the pandemic-related order from the governor that prohibits utility shutoffs. 

WHAT IT MEANS: See the article below in this bulletin for a full take, but as it stands that executive order is set to 这个月底到期. The Council of State spent lengthy time discussing it at a meeting this week, ultimately with Governor Cooper saying it’s unlikely he’ll extend the prohibition any further. 提供的压力 service under revenue gaps hit a major pain point for municipalities, 讨论了 recently by NCLM 执行董事 Paul Meyer on WRAL

ON TAP: It’s short notice at this point but t在这里 are a couple more opportunities to join an info session 带N的.C. 流感大流行 复苏的办公室. The call is free and will focus on spending of 冠状病毒 Relief Fund money, distributions from counties to cities, who’s responsible for 支出,以及更多. The call is open to NCLM members, and is ideal for municipal managers, clerks and finance officers. 

THE SKINNY: Don’t forget -- you still need to press for revenue replacement measures. 随着疫情的持续 trend numbers pose a difficult future, urge your members of Congress to support relief measures directly to cities and towns so we can all get through this as 尽可能完整. 记住,城市是必不可少的.​

在那里 is still an opportunity today (Friday, July 10) to join an info session with N.C. 流行病恢复办公室(NC PRO). 感谢200多人 local officials who yesterday joined the webinars that the League is co-hosting 带N的.C. Association of County Commissioners. 这些课程的设计 to provide an overview of the distribution and spending of money from the 冠状病毒 Relief Fund (CRF), which is being overseen by NC PRO. 信息 on joining this afternoon’s webinars is available 在这里, 任何人都欢迎加入. 在年代.L. 2020-80, counties are required to distribute at least 25 percent of their total CRF allocation to municipalities. Municipalities will then need to submit a plan for how they plan to spend these funds to their county in advance of Sept. 1、当县被要求时 把这些计划提交给国家. Current guidance does not allow for these funds to be spent on revenue replacement. 然而,NC PRO 网站 includes a wealth of FAQs and other information on how these funds may be spent, including guidance on using these funds to provide assistance to utility customers, small business grants, and much more. 请看这个模板 所需的支出计划. If you have not done so already, League members are encouraged to reach out to their county counterparts now to make sure they are clear on the timeline and processes for receiving their CRF allocation and submitting plans for how to spend it. We would like to thank NC PRO and NCACC for their partnership in this important effort. 如果你有任何问题, 请联系 365足彩下载研究总监 & 战略行动 克里斯·尼达 在任何时候.

的 need for federal assistance remains for cities and towns as the pandemic’s effects continue, and could indeed worsen, the rough financial picture facing municipalities this year, with long-lasting ripples if relief fails to come 来自国会山. Statewide, municipalities are dealing with revenue and resource hits directly related to the pandemic, including a dive of more than 11 percent in sales tax distributions compared to last year. 这是一个不断增长的65美元 million tax dollar loss through no fault of the communities so hard-hit, and will impact future projects that would otherwise support economic activity. This means the ingredients of prosperity will not be in place without help. As municipal utilities are currently prohibited from cutting service for nonpayment, resources are dwindling t在这里 as well. 365足彩下载执行董事 Paul Meyer recently explained how dire the circumstances are in an interview WRAL新闻. He noted how big of a problem it can be, especially for smaller cities, whose utility offerings can make up half of their annual budget. "This economic downturn may be the straw that broke the camel’s back for those towns," Meyer told the news agency. 另一篇文章中, 来自费耶特维尔观察家报, gets into the specifics for small towns whose customers have stopped paying bills. 

因为城市和城镇 are such economic engines, the story is beyond local. 365足彩下载创建了一个 resource page w在这里 you can find N.C.-focused materials to make the case for revenue replacement, as well as news coverage, at p4q.taitiansalon.com/covidfunding. Let’s keep making that case so that municipalities can continue to help drive 经济复苏.