


众议院本周正式投票否决了该法案 参议院的预算计划在下周二临近财政年度结束之际,该州没有达成预算协议. T在这里 was talk yesterday afternoon that the two chambers may be close to agreement on a continuing budget resolution, 在没有预算的情况下,哪一项是允许州政府继续运作所必需的, 但在周末立法者休会之前,该协议没有达成.

与此同时, the House Finance Committee met for a total of three hours on two separate days to discuss the finance plan included in the Senate budget. 当地销售税的重新分配(详见前文) 在这里)是两次会议讨论的一个重要问题, 许多众议院议员对该提案表示担忧. 昨天, 委员会听取了各城市对该计划的看法, with Town of Cary Council Member Jennifer Robinson -- who also serves on the 365足彩下载董事会 -- 和 mayors Esther Manheimer 和 Allen Thomas of League member cities Asheville 和 Greenville, 分别, 给我时间向委员会发言. 议会成员罗宾逊谈到了城市需要额外的地方控制的收入选择, while both Mayor Manheimer 和 Mayor Thomas talked about the importance of their cities regionally 和 the impact their municipalities have on residents of surrounding rural counties.

可以找到昨天会议的视频 在这里, while audio from Tuesday's meeting -- along with documents related to the Senate's finance plan -- can be found 在这里. 金融联合主席 代表. 杰森Saine, 谁主持了这两次会议, announced at the end of yesterday's meeting that discussion of the Senate plan would continue again on Tuesday. 我们感谢代表. 塞恩和他的主席同事, 代表. 比尔布劳利, 对这些建议进行彻底的公开听证, 和 thank you 和 the many committee members who voiced concerns about the plan's impact on local governments in their districts. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

An improved measure that tightens the st和ards of conduct for building inspectors cleared the Senate this week 和 heads back to the House for a concurrence vote. 自 初步考虑 of HB 255建筑规范. 改革 由众议院在本届会议早些时候提出, the League sought an amendment to clarify a new requirement in the bill for inspectors to perform a "full inspection.城市感谢 代表. 马克·布罗迪, 该法案的主要发起人, 接受国联关于改进法案这一部分的建议.

在本周参议院关于HB 255的辩论中, senators expressed concerns about a lack of consistent enforcement of the state building code from one local jurisdiction to the next. 作为回应,代表. 布洛迪和联合国的代表.C. Homebuilders Association both made public promises for future legislation to further st和ardize inspections. 除了, senators sought assurances that cities were not increasing inspections fees as a means of raising revenue lost due to the impending repeal of the privilege license tax. 然而, 从一开始, the bill addressed this concern by requiring inspections departments to spend fees only on inspections-related activities.

当它被送回众议院时, the bill still contains one provision of concern to cities: a section that would subject building inspectors to new, vague job-performance st和ards that could imperil their certification if a builder brought a case before the inspectors' licensing board. 但是众议院和参议院都做出了改变, 基于联赛的投入, 从城市的角度来看,是否显著改善了账单. 如果众议院在一致投票中批准参议院的法案版本, 它将交由总督审议. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

参议院同意众议院在最后一刻修改法案 SB 284基础设施评估/延长日落现在,这个365足彩下载支持的法案将交给州长. 帕特·麦克罗里. 这项立法将继续授权一项工具,用于更快地建设基础设施项目, 包括道路,供水和下水道, 接下来的五年. The House amended the measure on the chamber floor on Monday to reduce the assessment payback period from 30 years to 25 years. 该修正案将国家地方政府财政监督机构的现行政策纳入法律, 地方政府委员会. Local governments may only use this tool when requested by a majority of owners of the assessed property 和 when those owners represent at least 66 percent of the value of the assessed property. 365足彩下载感谢立法者迅速采取行动,延长了目前的特别评估权力, 否则将在周三到期. 有关特殊评估授权工具如何工作的更多详细信息,请阅读 这是2015年3月13日,365足彩下载通讯的文章. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

政府. Pat McCrory has signed into law legislation that restricts the ability of municipalities to impose design st和ards on residential construction, 通常用于维护社区特色的建筑标准. 州长签署了 SB 25分区设计 & 审美控制 在周五. The League unsuccessfully sought several changes in the legislation focused mainly on preserving design st和ards for infill projects in existing neighborhoods. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里.
The House this week delayed a vote on a bill that would restructure the city councils of Greensboro 和 Trinity. 据媒体报道,众议院议员表示,投票被推迟是因为 HB 263城市选举/三一和格林斯博罗 does not have the necessary votes to pass in that chamber after the Senate added the Greensboro provisions to a separate House bill affecting only Trinity. 来自格林斯博罗的两名共和党众议院议员——众议员. 约翰·布鲁斯特 和 Jon Hardister ——批评了该法案目前的形式. 即便如此,众议院议员被告知,该法案将于下周初回到他们面前. 布斯特在给众议院同事的一封电子邮件中明确表达了他的反对意见 由保守派网站the Daily Haymaker获得. 阅读有关最新发展的媒体报道 在这里.
The City of Charlotte is continuing to explore plans for the issuance of municipal ID cards while watching the progress of legislation that might hamper those plans. HB 318保护北卡罗来纳州工人法案HB 328公路安全/公民保护法 make clear that such identification cards cannot be deemed acceptable for determining a person's identity in the state. HB 318 has been approved by the House 和 now awaits action in the Senate; HB 328 has not been considered. 这些法案的重点是非法移民. 请阅读《365足彩下载》对该问题的报道 在这里.

HB 634雨水/建筑面积澄清 继4月份在众议院获得通过后,该法案昨日迅速在参议院获得通过. This bill resurrected a debate from last session over whether the state 和 local governments should treat gravel-covered surfaces, 比如停车场, 根据雨水法是不透水的. The bill would specifically exempt a surface of certain-sized stones laid at least 4" thick over a geotextile fabric from built-upon area calculations, 把这种材料当作水会流到下面的地面.

The League opposed the provisions 和 supported instead retaining the current definition of built-upon area codified in S.L. 2014-210 这是由于 广泛的研究 由环境检讨委员会负责. 365足彩下载成员 with local stormwater programs have concerns over excess stormwater runoff from non-paved surfaces because of compliance requirements of their programs' regulatory m和ates. 用于雨水管理, program managers must ensure that appropriate controls are placed on development sites to control runoff from the various surfaces on the site.

虽然是水洗石, 就像法案里提到的那个, 有时可以被认为是透水性的吗, 所有水洗过的石头在很短的时间内,如果被驱动的话,仍然会像建造在一个区域上一样. Eventually the surface will easily become compacted 和 the surfaces will not allow infiltration of water, 从而增加了流入该州水域的径流. 365足彩下载成员, 谁应该对径流造成的水质影响负责, 反对根据面积计算豁免这种材料.

The Senate's version also adds trails (that are part of the state trail system or open to the public) to the list of built upon area exemptions. 因为参议院增加了这一条款, 该法案接下来将回到众议院进行一致投票. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

参议院周二最终批准了一项立法,要求摩托车车主购买保险. HB 148轻便摩托车保险要求 现在交给政府了. 帕特·麦克罗里将被签署成为法律. 去年, 在365足彩下载的支持下, 大会批准了一项措施,要求对轻便摩托车进行登记. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里.
威尔明顿市生产了 一段视频赞扬了州历史性税收抵免的价值 由于政府鼓励投资历史建筑的立法斗争仍在继续. 视频重申, 在图像和文字中, many of the points that the League 和 its member have been making in support of reinstituting a state historic tax credit 和 众议院法案152新的历史保护税收抵免. 众议院将该法案纳入其预算计划, 而参议院在其支出计划中没有包括历史保护的激励措施.