


事情发生的经过: The General Assembly cast final votes on its adjusted state budget and sent the 267-page plan -- containing myriad spending items and programming along with a major policy shift authorizing municipalities to put property tax dollars toward education -- to the governor for signing.
单词释义: 预算中有很多好处,除了可能受益于更多审查的条款. 有专门用于市中心项目的资金, 鲍威尔法案继续提供资金, 它为宽带扩展和灾难援助提供了价值, 太. 

利用: 无论是否得到州长的批准,这项预算都可能成为法律, 根据立法机关的多数否决. 请继续阅读这份公报,了解与城镇相关的预算细节.
瘦子: 除非出现不可预见的情况, 随着预算和其他头等大事的解决, 立法机关的短暂会议即将结束. 它, 然而, 跟随本周市政和立法官员的重要聚会 & 国宴,数百人齐聚一堂,开启了地方与国家关系建设的新篇章.

在多数政党立场的投票中,联合国大会周五通过了一项决议 更新,23美元.90亿预算 准备好去州长办公室了. 民主党人反对调整预算的过程, by way of a conference report that did not receive the usual course of open vetting or amendment opportunities. 相反,它只被提交给了一个要么全有要么全无的投票. 立法 budget writers had noted that the biennial plan was approved by the more traditional steps last year, 这就是今年的进程, 虽然不同于记忆中的任何短期会话, 只是专注于对现有计划的调整吗. 立法机构的共和党多数意味着预算可能会在州长否决后幸存下来, 写这篇文章的时候是谁 还没有具体说明他在这方面的计划吗.
365足彩下载已经集合 一个文档 与城镇有关的预算项目. 规定包括: 
- 6 000万美元用于灾后恢复, 其中包括1000万美元的基础设施拨款,地方政府将能够获得这笔资金.
-资助一些地方公园项目, 为公园和娱乐信托基金增加400万美元.200万修正总额. 
The budget additionally directs the Local Government Commission to prescribe that the finance officer of each local government provide detailed​ reports on the total revenue received from building inspections. 在没有所有非国家资金的情况下,它阻碍了国家为轻轨项目提供资金, 此举可能会阻止项目获得所需的联邦资金. And it changes the law that requires cities to reimburse schools for any required municipal street improvements by prohibiting cities from making any zoning, 重新规划或许可申请以放弃该报销为条件, 追溯至八月一日, 2017. 更多条款将在本公报的单独标题下解释.

本着友好和合作的精神, municipal officials and legislators gathered together by the hundreds on Tuesday for the League's first-ever 小镇 & 国宴. 会议在罗利会议中心举行,结束了联大忙碌的一天, 在这次活动中,市长们, city council members and municipal staffers breaking bread and strengthening relationships with their senators and representatives while the state's top leaders discussed priorities and the need to work together. 此次活动的发言人包括州长奥巴马. 罗伊•库珀, 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔, 参议院多数党领袖哈里·布朗和司法部长乔希·斯坦.​
NCLM主席Michael Lazzara说, 杰克逊维尔临时市长, 通过指出州和地方政府官员,为这次活动定下基调, 他们的工作重点最终集中在为公民服务上, 享受更多的共同点,而不是不同的地方. He also spoke of the League as an evolving mission-driven organization that is focused “serving the interests of towns and cities so that they can best serve their residents.NCLM副主席威廉·皮特, 来自华盛顿的议员, 在介绍司法部长斯坦之前的讲话中, noted how his city is leading in a fashion similar to other towns and cities across the state – leveraging its unique assets to remain economically vital. 就华盛顿而言,这意味着它的海滨和历史建筑.
除了拉扎拉和皮特, NCLM董事会成员Scott Neisler, 国王山市长, 和利兹·约翰逊, 莫里斯维尔市的议员, 作为节目的一部分, 奈斯勒介绍摩尔和约翰逊 365足彩下载制作的视频​. 这一伙伴关系是当晚的主题,在视频中得到了肯定, which features many of our legislators and local officials discussing how they've worked together to accomplish great things. 戈尔兹伯勒市长查克·艾伦在视频中说道, “我们是同一个北卡罗来纳, 我们必须努力成为一个统一的北卡罗来纳州."​

周二在小镇上发表讲话的州政府官员 & 国宴, the menu included recognition of the various ways that they are working across the state with municipal officials on common priorities. 注意到出席会议的议员人数超过了全体大会的一半. 罗伊•库珀 told municipal officials in the room that it "shows you are being listened to and you are crucial to this process.众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔(Tim Moore)讨论了北卡罗来纳州不同时期的进展, including the community college system for its workforce training programs and municipalities as economic engines. “管理良好的城市是我们州活力的关键,”议长摩尔说. 在推特上扩大了他的评论他补充说,“我们州的市政当局有杰出的领导人." 

Attorney General Josh Stein addressed a central issue for his office and for communities across the state and nation: the ongoing opioid addiction crisis. “我们大家一起努力, 我们可以扭转局势,斯坦说, 强调需要更好的治疗方案,而不是通过犯罪镜头来看待危机. He said he hears time and time again from local law enforcement leaders that "we cannot arrest our way out of this crisis." 

州长库珀还评论了宽带鸿沟,365足彩下载已经主动关闭. 整个州都缺乏足够的网速, 一些城市的宽带服务有限,许多农村地区的宽带接入为零, 给企业制造麻烦, 健康, 在一个日益数字化的世界里,教育和交流. 但是正如 365足彩下载最近的一份报告州长说:“我们有前进的道路。. 他说:“我们可以通过公私合作来实现这一目标。. The event was kicked off with House Majority Leader Harry Brown’s introduction of NCLM主席Michael Lazzara说, 他认识他30多年了.

众议院本周迅速采取行动推进 楼宇检验条例草案 由临时委员会推荐, 该法案将在三天内通过两个委员会和全体投票. 这样做的时候, legislators adopted significant improvements to the bill that 太k into account some of the concerns raised by the cities in 以前的公众意见 以及对法案的讨论. 现在, the measure includes extensive detail about how the state Department of 保险 would implement a program that offered building inspections services from a pool of inspectors maintained by the department. Contractors and local governments alike could utilize the pool inspection option under the circumstances described in the bill. 尽管各城市对该提案仍有一些担忧, 他们赞赏法案提案国愿意继续谈判. HB 948建筑规范监管改革 现在提交参议院审议. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

一个条款 在新通过的州预算中,将授权市政当局, 在全州范围内, 将财产税收入用于公共教育,并允许地方学校董事会, 特许学校和其他教育实体直接向市政当局申请拨款. 全州政策的巨大变化, 该法案将在下一财年开始时生效, 7月1日. 值得注意的是,全州范围的规定是出乎意料的, even as there had been discussion of local legislation allowing a handful of municipalities to potentially set up or contribute to local charter schools. 根据今年的预算程序, 365足彩下载的机会非常有限, 或者任何其他倡导组织, 提供可能影响最终语言的输入和上下文. 365足彩下载党担心,这一重大政策转变几乎没有得到审查. This provision received plenty of attention during floor debate as it related to funding responsibility for schools and the varying resources available to communities across the state, 但不允许对语言进行修改. 代表. 贝基卡尼, D-Charlotte, noted that it amounted to a change in taxing structure for local governments and will generate many questions from constituents at home. 她说,她希望任何问题都能在技术修正过程中得到解决.

The budget bill recently passed by the General Assembly includes clear recognition that the state needs to better address broadband access across the state. 该法案中的一项条款将建立一个1000万美元的宽带拨款项目, 尽管这笔钱将主要用于私人互联网提供商和公用事业合作社, 市政当局也没有资格. 同时,从 2017光明期货法案 都包含在预算中吗. 虽然旨在促进宽带公私伙伴关系, 这个概念得到了国联的支持在美国,这些条款实际上阻止了这些伙伴关系的一个关键特征. The League appreciates the willingness of legislative leaders to hear this concern and take steps to minimize this unintended consequence. 阅读更多关于拨款计划的信息(立法者宣布宽带拨款计划) 摘自上周的简报.

每隔两年,北卡罗来纳州的城镇就会发展起来 立法和监管目标 为即将到来的立法两年期. 这些目标是365足彩下载在罗利开展365体育足彩工作的指南. 不仅如此, 它们是北卡罗来纳州市政当局优先事项的集体声明, 大与小, 城市, 郊区和农村. The process of setting the Municipal 365体育足彩 Goals is an opportunity for each municipality to have a voice in telling state legislators and other state policymakers what is important to them.

365足彩下载,到八月. 1、请您就2019- 2020立法两年期的倡导目标提出建议. 点击这里 为倡导目标提交你的想法.


为执法机构提供更好的工具,打击阿片类药物的流行, lawmakers alongside Attorney General Josh Stein this week rolled out the HOPE (Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Enforcement) Act. “今天, 希望法案, the medical community joins hands with North Carolina’s law enforcement community to help them in their efforts to combat the illegal activity that fuels this crisis,” 代表. 格雷格•墨菲格林维尔是一名医生 新闻发布会上 这详细说明了立法希望实现的目标. 这将加重医护人员窃取或操纵病人药物的后果. It would also invest annually in naloxone supplies and community-based drug treatment and recovery services. 它将资助销毁不需要的处方药的努力. SBI将会有一名新的特工与当地的毒品调查人员进行协调. 训练有素的调查人员可以访问处方数据和记录,以改进他们的工作, 除其他规定外. “执法部门多年来一直在告诉我, 包括我的朋友Bill Hollingsed警长(来自wayne ville), 我们需要为执法部门提供他们需要的工具来应对我们社区的这场危机,” 森. 吉姆•戴维斯 R-Franklin. “我很自豪能赞助这项法案来做到这一点.据WRAL报道,这一措辞将出现在参议院616号法案中.
其他立法新闻, ​​​​a municipal local option sales tax bill was ​​amended to add additional municipalities and given a favorable report from a House committee on state and local government. ​​HB 947​ 授权某些城市——穆尔斯维尔,蒙特. Airy and Hendersonville -- ​to hold a referendum regarding the levy of a quarter-cent sales and use tax. 该法案已提交给众议院财政委员会. ​