


在过去的几个月, 365足彩下载成员游说立法者, 北卡各地都举行了会议, 和 newspapers have written countless stories regarding the need that cities have for revenue options as the pending repeal of the business privilege license tax looms. 随着六月的临近, please use this weekend to contact your legislators to again let them know about the effects of this $62 million fiscal cliff on your city or town. Tell them about service cuts or property tax hikes being considered to make up for this revenue loss, 让他们知道你所在社区面临的其他收入挑战.

The League has suggested numerous revenue options for the legislature to choose from, 包括仅限市政的销售税. The 森ate is set to wrap up its budget soon 和 the total budget may be final by the end of June. 城镇并没有要求国家拨款, but simply for the financial flexibility to avoid placing more financial pressure on 他们的 property tax bases.

如果你有 not spoken to your legislator about the need for revenue options for cities, 请这样做. 如果你有, now is the time to contact them again 和 engage others whom they know to make the case for cities 和 towns. Let them know that modest property taxes are critical to attracting industry 和 jobs. Remind them of the commitment that legislative leaders made during last year’s legislative session, 公开及向政府. Pat McCrory,来解决收入损失问题. 如果你需要城市收入方案的建议副本, please contact me 和 I will give those to you so that you can share them 与 your legislators. 联系人: 罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯

Two Charlotte-area mayors made a push this week for legislators to incorporate League-supported modifications to sb25分区/设计 & 审美控制. 如 这篇夏洛特观察家的文章 昨天, Matthews Mayor Jim Taylor 和 Pineville Mayor Jack Edwards made the case for allowing cities to retain the ability to implement building design st和ards in certain cases, such as infill development or existing neighborhoods w在这里 no private covenants are in place. 众议院议员将在SB 25的辩论中考虑这些问题, 该法案上个月在参议院通过,现在正在等待众议院委员会的听证会. 

代表. 比尔布劳利, 他是梅克伦堡县的立法者,也是众议院配套法案的共同发起人, told the Observer that he would seek to amend the 森ate bill as requested by the mayors. 365足彩下载感谢代表. 布劳利对这种妥协语言的支持, which would still prohibit cities from dictating design elements such as the color of a home, 安置车库, 或外部建筑材料的类型, 对于大多数新的独栋建筑来说. 团员们优先考虑在这个问题上达成妥协 市政365体育足彩目标 这次会议, 和 numerous media outlets have examined both sides of this issue in recent weeks (read more in 这篇文章摘自上周的《365足彩下载通讯》). 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

森ate budget subcommittees received spending targets 和 timelines this week, 与 参议院的预算日程 indicating that the chamber intends to give final approval to its budget on Thursday, June 11. 根据日历, 该法案将与众议院建立为期两周的会议程序, 允许参众两院在6月30日之前通过一项达成一致的预算. Many legislative observers would be surprised if a budget agreement was reached that quickly. The 森ate has already 表示 that its budget would look markedly different than the House's version. 参议院预算首席作者哈里·布朗 告诉WRAL that the 森ate's version would increase spending from the current budget by approximately 2.而众议院的预算增加了近6%的支出. In addition to ideas like further tax cuts 和 funding for Medicaid reform that have been discussed by 森ate leaders, 预算文件 distributed this week also 表示 that the 森ate would be reviewing all transfers of money out of the Highway Fund to pay for non-Highway Fund programs. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

本周,美国政府宣布了一项计划.S. 环境保护署(EPA)和陆军工兵部队(Corps) 宣布 他们的 澄清管辖权范围的最终规则 清洁水法(CWA). As 表示 今年早些时候, the final rule exempts both stormwater control features (created in dry l和) 和 some ditches from the definition of “waters of the United States.“这些变化与365足彩下载批准的一致 联邦365体育足彩目标提交法律意见 that called for clarification of the EPA's proposed definition 和 specifically requested the exemption of human-made ditches 和 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s).


  • 短暂的流 不是重新安置的支流或在支流中挖掘的;
  • 间歇流 that are not a relocated tributary, or excavated in a tributary, or drain to wetl和s;
  • 不连接到传统的通航水域, 水号州际公路, 或直接或通过另一水域的领海, 不管流量如何.

Clean Water Act jurisdiction is an important issue to cities because it triggers CWA regulatory actions, 比如允许, that apply to projects that cities undertake such as road-building 和 construction of water, 废水, 以及雨水基础设施. 本规定自《365体育足彩》公布之日起60日内生效 联邦公报除非 国会采取行动 为了防止规则. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯.

跟随众议院的领导, the 森ate this week approved legislation that would make graffiti v和alism a felony for repeat offenders. 因为参议院对 HB 552涂鸦破坏, ensuring that an offender not face a felony for separate acts occurring at the same time, 该法案现在又回到了众议院. 森. 来自亨德森维尔的汤姆·阿波达卡 said the legislation came at the request of the Buncombe County District Attorney's office. 阿什维尔是涂鸦破坏行为猖獗的城市之一. 阅读有关立法的新闻报道 在这里在这里.

The League will host the fourth in a series of regional meetings examining the future of municipal finance on June 15 in Greenville. 该系列, 前进之路:充满活力的城市的今天和明天, has focused on the financial challenges faced by North Carolina cities 和 towns against a backdrop of policy changes from Raleigh 和 population shifts throughout the state. 以前的会议在绍斯波特、伯灵顿和派恩维尔举行.

第四次会议将于上午10点开始举行.m. 到中午, 和 will include a presentation on the history of municipal finance examining recent tax policy changes 和 comparative data 与 other states. A panel discussion examining the individual challenges of municipalities in the region will follow. Please join us for this important meeting as legislators continue to examine proposals critical to municipal finance 和 revenue streams. 会议是免费的,您可以了解更多有关活动的信息并注册 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

政府. 帕特·麦克罗里再次推动立法者批准 他的30亿美元债券计划其中大部分资金集中在该州的交通投资上. The 政府ernor 和 former State Budget Director Art Pope met 与 代表ublican legislators on Wednesday to advocate for passage of the  bond proposal. 州长已经指出了民调数据, 预计将很快发布, 显示公众对债券计划的支持. 到目前为止,立法者还没有接受这项提议. Some GOP legislators have 表示 that they do not favor such a large borrowing package, while others have suggested any bond referendum should go before voters in 2016 rather than during off-year municipal elections. 州长麦克罗里的计划得到了365足彩下载的批准 市政365体育足彩目标 呼吁加大对交通基础设施的投资. 阅读有关债券计划的最新媒体报道 在这里在这里.