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League Bulletin

May 19, 2017

A House committee gave its OK on Thursday to a bill that takes a comprehensive approach to local regulation of small cell wireless facilities. In voting to advance HB 310无线通信基础设施法案, House public utilities committee members expressed support for streamlining the local siting and permitting process for these facilities, which industry representatives said would enhance wireless capacity in urban areas. 小型蜂窝设备通常由天线组成, utility pole, 以及地面安装的设备箱. 365足彩下载也出席了听证会,感谢法案的主要发起人众议员. Jason Saine, John Torbett, and Michael Wray 感谢他们鼓励正在进行的合作谈判进程. So far, 通过这些谈判, the League has ensured that cities would retain oversight over matters of concern such as public safety, space between facilities, aesthetics and appearance, 公用事业地下政策, and historic districts. The League has also negotiated other terms more favorable to cities than in the filed version of the bill. 接下来,该法案将在参议院进行第二次委员会投票 House Finance Committee. 请发送您的反馈 this latest draft to Legislative Counsel Erin Wynia.

罗利市的罗伯塔·福克斯在联合车站建筑工地主持讲话. Photo credit: Ben Brown

A bus tour, a lunch keynote and incisive panel discussions about the modern and changing sense of infrastructure were all part of a successful symposium the League held in downtown Raleigh on Thursday. 在赞助商史密斯·摩尔·莱瑟伍德和威瑟斯·拉文内尔的帮助下, 来自北卡罗来纳州各地的市政官员和工程师参加了这次活动 Infrastructure Symposium,从中获得的知识非常丰富 smart-city practices, 市政服务的绿色途径, today's transportation solutions and how stormwater controls can be aesthetically beautiful as well as practical. N.C. 州立大学教授 Dr. Bill Hunt, 一位在雨水工程领域备受赞誉的学者, got a laugh when he noted some stormwater projects are known as great backdrops for wedding photography. "Honestly, 我认为这里有市场," he said, pointing to a project in Boone in which stormwater ponds were turned into a sightly hydroponic system for the growth of sellable plants. “我们在设计标准基础设施时不会考虑到这一点,”他说.

格林斯伯勒市长南希·沃恩领导了这个智慧城市小组. Photo credit: Ben Brown

本森市市长威廉·马森吉尔 参加了智慧城市小组讨论,并讨论了他的小镇如何只有3,500 residents was one of the first in the state to implement a smart grid system for electric and water meters. It enables town staff to identify irregularities and outage locations in real time, 做出快速反应和节省成本. Mayor Massengill told the audience that he was at town hall when Hurricane Matthew churned through, and as a call came in from a mother who feared disaster as her basement was flooding up to the electric box. 不用叫一辆卡车, our town manager was able to go onto a computer and disconnect electricity to that family's home immediately," Mayor Massengill said, crediting the smart grid. "All was good. She was happy.他补充说,工作人员以“惊人的速度”恢复了该镇的电力供应.... Some people in Benson never lost power; some for only two hours."

罗利城市农场(Raleigh City Farm)是游览路线中的一站,它将农业带到了市区. Photo credit: Ben Brown

Participants also boarded Raleigh city buses for a narrated tour of special projects with stops for up-close viewing. That included Raleigh's Union Station, a massive multimodal facility under construction in the Warehouse District to accommodate an array of transportation resources including commuter rail. Roberta Fox, 罗利城市设计中心的副经理, said it's all coming together following a series of federal grants including TIGER grants, 与州政府合作,并得到当地交通部门的帮助. "That is one of the only ways that we would be able to complete something like this," Fox said. Additional tour highlights gave participants a close look at Raleigh City Farm and the solar panels on top of the Raleigh Convention Center. The League would like to thank its partners for helping to bring this successful Infrastructure Symposium together. 这一事件恰逢全国 Infrastructure Week.

Rep. 查克·麦格雷迪,该法案的主要发起人. Photo credit: NCGA

在本周的两党大集会上, the House has passed legislation to consider nonviolent 16- and 17-year-olds as juveniles, not adults, 在刑事司法系统中. "I believe that raising the age is the right thing to do from both a moral and an economic position," said Rep. Chuck McGrady 亨德森维尔的律师,该法案的主要发起人. In an online post, Representative McGrady pointed to studies predicting cost savings through reduced recidivism, elmininating future costs associated with youths "graduating" into the adult criminal system, 以及为没有犯罪记录的年轻人提供更好的工作机会. 该法案不包括犯有暴力重罪的青少年. Both 365足彩下载执行委员会 和首席大法官马克·马丁都是这项改革的支持者. The bill now goes to the Senate, whose recently approved version of the state budget 包括“提高年龄”的语言.

An attempt to restrict a class of property from utility fees moves forward after a nod from the 参议院农业、环境和自然资源委员会 this week. hb275不征收滑行道或跑道雨水费 机场是否可以免交雨水水费, 对于跑道和出租车的不透水表面. 有资格获得豁免, the airport must use the amount of money saved for attracting business to the airport. The bill would also exempt runways and taxiways located on military property from paying the utility fee, 没有任何资格要求.

阅读过去的联赛报道 for more information on how stormwater utilities use collected fees to control flooding and implement stormwater management programs, which are required by an unfunded federal mandate to control and treat stormwater runoff. 北卡罗来纳大学环境金融中心 recently made available a list of local governments that charge stormwater utility fees. 在列出的公用事业公司中,有16家在其管辖范围内拥有公共机场. 其中包括格林维尔市, whose Daryl Norris, 一名雨水工程师, 作为365足彩下载附属集团的代表在委员会上发言 北卡罗来纳州雨水协会(SWANC). 诺里斯指出了SWANC对该法案的反对, explaining that the cost of the utility fees lost from airports will be borne by all other ratepayers, 或所有其他业主.

The League thanks Sen. Angela Bryant for raising concerns about the possible extra cost of stormwater remediation to cities or towns that are home to airports, and thanks bill sponsor Rep. Debra Conrad 因为他把同盟的关切告诉了委员会. 该法案接下来将由国会听取 Senate Rules Committee. Contact: Sarah Collins

A federal grant of more than $31 million is in North Carolina's hands to combat the opioid crisis that has grabbed the attention of so many cities and towns. It follows the recent news that North Carolina experienced an alarming 73 percent spike in opioid-related deaths between 2005 and 2015. 州长罗伊·库珀的办公室说 这笔赠款将用于预防工作, 减少过量用药,填补治疗需求空白. 这些基金可以在两年的时间里为近3000人提供服务. "The opioid crisis is one of the biggest challenges we face across our state,” said Governor Cooper. "This grant will help further our commitment to fight this epidemic that is destroying families and lives across our state.参议院最近通过的预算版本 还包括预防阿片类药物滥用.

Gov. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)本周会见了该州的美国州长.S. House and Senate members in hope of securing more aid for the Hurricane Matthew recovery. “仍然有太多的人无法返回家园, offices, schools, 农场或礼拜场所,因为马修造成的破坏,库珀州长在一份声明中说 press release about the talks. "I’m encouraged by the bipartisan cooperation among our Congressional representatives to continue pressing this issue. The Trump Administration and Congressional leaders must make our state’s urgent need for help a priority.“北卡罗来纳州中部和东部的损失估计为4美元.8 billion. Governor Cooper has voiced displeasure with the recent $6.1 million federal allocation to the state for recovery, as compared to his $929 million request. According to the News & Observer, about $1.到目前为止,州政府和联邦政府已经投入了40亿美元的资金. 州参议院的预算版本 提议另外拨款1.5亿美元.
