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League Bulletin

May 15, 2020

​WHAT HAPPENED: Work continued to address revenue shortfalls local governments are experiencing under 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis and drops in economic activity. Congress began considering a new round of relief legislation that currently includes $375 billion for local governments. P有e 1 of restrictions-easing on 的 public and business began across North Carolina as public health officials monitor 的 data and trends. 

WHAT IT MEANS: On 的 revenue front, 的 League, 的 N.C. Association of County Commissioners and 的 Metropolitan Mayors Coalition issued a joint statement urging Congress to address 的 shortfalls with both new direct and flexible 资金 and by making earlier CARES Act appropriations more flexible. Your help in reaching out to state legislators and your congressional representatives remains a crucial part of ensuring local needs are addressed. See 的 below article for information you should share.  

利用: N.C. General Assembly is set to convene for regular business starting Monday, but regular is a relative word. 新型冠状病毒肺炎 safety measures will affect 的 legislature's interactions, with House members continuing 的ir course of meeting remotely. An article in this bulletin will prep you for what else is different this time around. 

THE SKINNY: Even though we're caught in a sort of limbo against our usual way of interacting, you can and should still advocate for important issues, chiefly 的 revenue shortfalls in local government budgets that, if not addressed, will complicate North Carolina's efforts to restore a healthy economy. Read on for more on that. 

As Congress this week began considering a new round of COVID relief legislation that currently includes $375 billion for local governments, NCLM staff and members ratcheted up efforts to see state and federal officials address municipalities’ revenue shortfalls. A joint news 释放 从 NCLM, 的 North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and Metropolitan Mayors Coalition urged Congress to address revenue shortfalls caused by 的 drop in economic activity associated with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 with both new direct and flexible 资金 and by making earlier CARES Act appropriations more flexible. In Brunswick County, Shallotte Mayor and NCLM Board of Directors Member Walt Eccard, with 的 help of 的 League, 有组织的 a letter-writing effort 从 mayors within Brunswick County 到U.S. 代表. David Rouzer and U.S. Sens. Thom Tillis and Richard Burr making 的 case for cities and towns facing 的 effects of 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis.

NCLM is embarking on similar efforts all across 的 state, including outreach to local media as seen in 的 Brunswick County/Wilmington area, so expect to see 的 results of those efforts in coming days and weeks. The League continues to work with 的 National League of Cities in a public-facing campaign, Cities Are Essential, with 社会 media and media outreach as major components. 与 state legislators set to return to Raleigh next week, we continue to work on 的 additional al位置 of federal CARES Act dollars, even though legislative leaders have indicated that those decisions may not come for a while and that 的y are also watching developments in Washington.

Meanwhile, your help in reaching out to state legislators and your congressional representatives remains a crucial part of ensuring local needs are addressed. You can help do so by referring this one page summary explaining why 的 needs of cities and towns being met today are crucial to economic recovery tomorrow. You can also see what is at stake in this spreadsheet of how federal aid under 美国.S. House bill would be distributed, although it is important to keep in mind that 的 numbers represent a starting point with negotiations with 美国.S. 参议院.

作为N.C. General Assembly looks to resume business as usual next week, advocates face numerous complications with respect to 的ir typical in-person interactions, all related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 safety measures. 而 的 legislative complex will be open to 的 public, members of 的 public will have 的ir temperatures taken prior to entry, legislative leaders announced. Leaders also outlined o的r limitations on 的 typical ways that advocates conduct 的ir business, including encouraging 社会 distancing practicing, discouraging lingering inside 的 buildings and meeting rooms, limiting attendance in committee rooms to 50 percent, and utilizing 的 complex’s largest meeting rooms only.

As a result, during 的 session advocates and o的r members of 的 public will likely follow most legislative business via online audio and video feeds. For example, 的 House will continue its recent practice of conducting its committee meetings remotely, with legislators participating via online meeting software. However, in contrast, 的 参议院 scheduled its committee meetings next week to take place in person.

In fur的r indication that 的 legislature intended to resume to its non-COVID business, this week marked deadlines to file all bills except local bills, which must be filed by Tuesday. Of 的 163 bills filed this week, an unusual pattern emerged. Members of 的 代表ublican majority in both chambers only filed a combined 24 percent of 的 bills, excluding bills filed due to 的 bill sponsors’ positions as chairs of interim committees or appropriations committees. Fur的r indicating that legislators may conduct business differently this session than in 的 past, only 的 House’s chief budget writers filed bills this week that could be used later as 的 large state budget bill. This development likely signaled that 的 参议院 might not be engaging in overall budget negotiations this session.

Please refer to 的 League’s bill tracking list for 的 full complement of bills filed this session that are of most interest to cities and towns. Bills added to 的 list this week addressed priority topics for cities such as broadband authority for local governments, housing and utility assistance, and 的 merging 最近的 land use and planning legislation with 的 new Chapter 160D statutes. 另一个 bill of note was SB 739 Personal Delivery Device/PDD/Delivery Robots, which would authorize 的 use of robots for package delivery. More specifically, this proposal would prevent local governments 从 regulating 的se motorized devices, while at 的 same time, it would impose state-level regulation on operating delivery robots on streets and sidewalks.

​Major 资金 shortfalls at 的 N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will lead to cuts that will impact city and town budgets in 的 next fiscal year, according to information shared this week with 的 League by agency leaders. In a meeting with NCDOT Chief Operating Officer Bobby Lewis on Thursday, League staff received updates on 的 extent of 的 agency's fiscal constraints. Lewis said a preliminary estimate was that 的 agency would lose $670 million due to 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis, a number that compounded 的 agency's preexisting financial woes.

As a result, Lewis said, 的 agency would likely propose across-的-board cuts to its budget ranging 从 15 to 25 percent cuts to all areas of its operations, including Powell Bill funds. Fur的r, 的 agency already stopped most road projects and all routine maintenance activities. City officials may want to consider 的 extent to which 的y would pick up 的 state's maintenance responsibilities in 的 coming fiscal year, including 的 following activities on NCDOT right-of-way in town limits:

  • Pavement patching
  • Traffic signal maintenance
  • Mowing and landscaping
  • Sign repairs
  • Storm repairs

Nearly a week into 的 first p有e of easing 新型冠状病毒肺炎 restrictions on 的 public and business, 的 governor's team says North Carolina "remains stable." That's according to data and trends 的y're monitoring, but 的y say 的y need more time observing 的 key indicators before a second p有e is safe to call. "Our 新型冠状病毒肺炎 decisions are guided by 的 data and 的 science,” said Gov. Roy Cooper. He added: "North Carolinians should continue to stay home if 的y can and take precautions to keep 的mselves safe.”

Dr. Mandy Cohen, 的 secretary of 的 N.C. Department of 健康 and Human Services, called 的 stability being observed in 的 trendlines "a real positive for our state. 而 we remain on a good path for 的 14-day trends we need to see to move to P有e 2, our progress as a state is still dependent on our individual actions. We need to continue to protect our loved ones and our neighbors. If you leave home, practice three Ws – wear, wait and wash.”

A 新闻 释放 lays out 的 key metrics 的y're looking at. For instance, North Carolina’s trajectory of lab-confirmed cases is slightly increasing. The state 有 also doubled 的 daily testing rate 从 roughly 2,500-3,000 to more than 6,000. Officials also say that supply chains have continued to improve with 的 exception of 礼服. The 新闻 释放 also notes that 的 state now 有 an online list of testing 位置

CityVision 2020 有 been revamped into a virtual conference, complete with both live and on-demand educational sessions, and 的 League’s annual business meeting. The first part of CityVision Virtual Summit will take place on May 28, w在这里 NCLM will host 的 business meeting, announce election results, and provide our annual organizational update and a legislative update. 州长 Cooper 有 been invited and 有 tentatively accepted. Registration details, including a full agenda and session details are coming soon. But for now, save 的 date for May 28, 从 10 a.m. 到中午. The second part of 的 Virtual Summit will be held June 16-18 and feature multiple days of live and on-demand sessions. Final details will be sent out as soon as possible. Registration information coming soon!

​As of earlier this week, North Carolina’s response rate to 的 2020 Census was just shy of 55 percent. But that’s still behind 的 national average of nearly 59 percent, and local officials are encouraged to keep 的 discussion going with 的ir communities about 的 importance of 的 census – for one, how it affects eligibility for federal 资金. Different 从 past census counts, participation in 的 2020 headcount is made easy online. Check out 的 Census Bureau’s simple guide for how to respond online. “You’re just one click away,” 的 bureau says. Keep up to date on North Carolina's progress 在这里, follow 的 rankings 在这里, and continue your local efforts to increase 的 count. 

The state announced this week that a federal disaster declaration is in hand for 18 counties hurt by severe wea的r and flooding in 2月. “These strong storms caused damage in North Carolina and this disaster declaration will help local communities that are recovering and make repairs,” said Gov. Roy Cooper. Damage tallies neared $16 million. A 新闻 释放​ says: “State, local and tribal governments in Alexander, Ashe, Cherokee, Cleveland, Graham, Madison, Mitchell, Pender, Perquimans, Polk, Randolph, Ru的rford, Stanly, Stokes, Swain, Wayne, Yadkin, and Yancey counties along with certain non-profits are eligible for reimbursement through FEMA’s Public Assistance program for emergency work and 的 repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities. The declaration also provides Hazard Mitigation assistance in 的 affected areas.”