


A lack of access to high-speed broadband affects communities of every size in North Carolina, 365足彩下载邀请您学习社区宽带的基础知识. 加入NCLM立法顾问艾琳·怀尼亚周四,5月10日,在上午10点.m.,为… 社区主导的宽带基础网络研讨会. 网络研讨会将包括365足彩下载的亮点 新宽带报告:关键词, 技术解释, 宽带公私伙伴关系, 该州的法律环境, 以及如何将宽带网络带到你的社区的建议. 提前登记​. 参加网络研讨会的说明将包含在您的注册确认中.

该州建议联邦政府进行认证 北卡罗来纳州的252个地区 作为机会地带, "potentially opening a new source of investment capital for regions of the state that need it the most,联合国本周在一份新闻稿中说.C. 商务部. 如上所述 在最近几期的《365体育足彩》上,  the Opportunity Zones program came out of this year's sweeping federal tax legislation and is designed to aid distressed communities. 的 tax law authorizes each state to designate up to 25 percent of its total low-income census tracts as qualified Opportunity Zones. (北卡罗来纳州有1000多个低收入人口普查区.)
完全, the 252 areas the state is recommending for Opportunity Zone status represent portions of all 100 counties. 它们的覆盖面积大于1.100万居民, 几乎45,000个有贫困儿童的家庭和50个,000家企业, 州政府说. “We’re optimistic that the Opportunity Zones program will attract new investments for our most distressed rural and urban areas,美国商务部长安东尼·科普兰说. “这些投资将带来新的就业机会, 建设更多经济适用房, 以及其他经济利益.科普兰的部门发表了 详细背景资料 随着 一个专门讨论这个话题的网站.
不要耽误你的注册 365足彩下载的第一个小镇 & 国宴定于5月29日下午5点半至8点举行.m. 在罗利会议中心. 空间有限 这次独家365体育足彩活动, providing you the opportunity to be with your legislators in a more intimate environment perfect for networking and strengthening relationships. Join us in celebrating state and local leaders who have worked so hard to advocate for municipalities and their residents. 议员们将听取州长的最新政策更新. 罗伊·库珀,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔,司法部长乔什·斯坦,以及其他领导人. 

This League-sponsored dinner gives you the chance to spend time socializing with your legislator. 而365足彩下载党正在邀请立法者, 直接来自选民的个人邀请是很有价值的. 注册后, be sure to give your legislator a call and personally invite him or her to join you for dinner. 365足彩下载会直接向立法委员发出电子和印刷邀请函. Legislators do not need to register; instead they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@taitiansalon.com.对于今年的立法短期会议,镇 & 国宴代替了市政厅日.

国家养老金委员会 一致投票决定 on Thursday​ to lower the investment return assumption for the North Carolina Retirement Systems. 他们的投票从7票降到了7票.20%到7%.  的 Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) and Local 政府ernment Employees' Retirement System (LGERS) Boards discussed how that action would place the assumption more in line with actuarial expectations of what the median 20-year and 30-year returns will be in light of the state’s investment portfolio -- with Treasurer Dale Folwell noting that “lowering this assumption will provide the best opportunity to meet the state's long-term obligations as well as maintain its AAA bond rating.”

的 reduction will occur immediately; however, any potential impact of the change on employer contribution rates will be phased in over a three-year period. Municipal employers that participate in LGERS and provide the pension benefit to their employees support the system financially through their employer contributions to ensure the system is well-funded and can support what is owed to employees and retirees. 的 employer contribution is one of only three sources of pension plan funds -- contributions made by employees, 雇主供款, and investment gain -- so when a retirement system lowers its expected investment gains, additional funding for the pension system comes from the employer through its contributions.

的 boards’ action to lower the investment return assumption will not have an impact on the already approved FY 2018-19 employer contribution rates for local government employers. LGERS董事会在1月份投票决定将雇主缴费率提高到7%.一般雇员占75%,8%.2018-19财年执法人员50%, which was in line with the Employer Contribution Rate Stabilization Policy (ECRSP) that the board 2016年获批. 根据该政策,LGERS雇主供款率将增加0.到2020-21财年,每年25%. 的 League continues its support of the ECRSP because it makes employer contribution rates more consistent, 为地方政府提供预算确定性, 并支持系统的财务完整性. Local government employers should receive letters from the state treasurer’s office by next week that will clearly list information regarding their specific FY 2018-19 employer contribution rate, including information about the death benefit contribution portion that isn’t consistent across employers.
其他新闻,, 教堂山的理事会成员艾伦·班西星期四宣誓就职于LGERS董事会, 以“市政官员”的身份服务,由州长任命. 罗伊•库珀. 财务主管办公室的PDF文件 includes Information regarding the investment return assumption as presented to the TSERS and LGERS boards. 的 财务主管的网站 有星期四会议的所有文件吗. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

365足彩下载的预期COLA调查结果 & 2018-19财年绩效增长 现在可以买到. (这份调查和其他调查也可以在365足彩下载的网站上找到 http://p4q.taitiansalon.com/financial-consulting/research-data. 该调查询问了全州的市政官员, 如果有任何, cost of living and/or merit increases are currently being proposed in their FY 2018-19 budgets.)365足彩下载感谢每一个花时间回应今年调查的人. 如果您对数据有任何疑问,请发邮件 csaunders@taitiansalon.com.

全国的注意力都集中在费耶特维尔 此前《365足彩下载》周四报道 它是“全国最具创新力的城市”.该杂志引用了最新发布的年度调查结果 具备创新能力 该报告由《365体育足彩》与《365体育足彩》合作撰写. 的 report "assesses municipal governments on a range of metrics -- including data use and strategic planning, 决策中的种族平等, 公民参与,管理条款解释道. 报告指出,费耶特维尔在去年的报告中表现强劲, 凤凰城, 亚利桑那州., won top honors, "but the North Carolina city rose to the top in this year's evaluation." 

“的 city of Fayetteville is both thrilled and honored to be recognized this year as the city best equipped in the nation to innovate,费耶特维尔市经理道格拉斯. 休伊特. “This is a reflection of the work in which the city has engaged over a number of years to utilize operational data to inform decisionmaking and to seek new ways to better respond to resident needs.74个城市, 包括全国最大的10家, 是导致费耶特维尔被指定的调查的一部分. "Fayetteville’s use of data and analytics to guide city management and long-term planning stood out, 根据生活城市,政府报告说. "的 city’s TRACStat system is an open data portal that collects budget and financial data as well as performance results and makes that information available to the public.另外,365足彩下载的市政方程式播客在2017年初进行了一次 仔细看看费耶特维尔在打击犯罪方面的科技创新.

六项初步合作计划正在筹备中. 罗伊·库珀的农村经济改善计划, 州长办公室说的. 伯克, Edgecombe, 利诺, 麦迪逊, Pasquotank, and Robeson counties will be the first in what coordinators say will bring "local leaders together with officials from across state government to remove barriers, 加强沟通,识别长期机会和需求." An "action team" of representatives from state cabinet agencies are slated to hold roundtable discussions with these partners, "creating new templates for leveraging the resources of state government to benefit rural North Carolina.“家乡强的辅导员咨询或协调了许多团体, 包括365足彩下载, 在推出之前. 更多的合作伙伴关系将宣布,根据一个 新闻稿. 更多资料请浏览 hometownstrong.nc.政府.