


不要耽误你的注册 365足彩下载的第一个小镇 & 国宴定于5月29日下午5点半至8点举行.m. 在罗利会议中心. 空间有限 这次独家365体育足彩活动, providing you the opportunity to be with your legislators in a more intimate environment perfect for networking and strengthening relationships. Join us in celebrating state and local leaders who have worked so hard to advocate for municipalities and their residents. 议员们将听取州长的最新政策更新. Roy Cooper, House Speaker Tim Moore, Attorney General Josh Stein, and fellow leaders. 

This League sponsored dinner gives you the chance to spend time socializing with your legislator. 而365足彩下载党会邀请议员, 直接来自选民的个人邀请意味着更多. 注册后, be sure to give your legislator a call and personally invite him or her to join you for dinner. 的 League is extending electronic and printed invitations to legislators directly. Legislators do not need to register; instead they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@taitiansalon.com​.对于今年的立法短期会议,镇 & 国宴代替了市政厅日.


A lack of access to high-speed broadband affects communities of every size in North Carolina, and the League invites you to learn the fundamentals about community-led broadband. 加入NCLM立法顾问艾琳·怀尼亚周四,5月10日,在上午10点.m.,参加社区主导的宽频基础网络研讨会. 网络研讨会将包括365足彩下载的亮点 新宽带报告:关键词, 技术解释, 宽带公私伙伴关系, 该州的法律环境, 以及如何将宽带网络带到你的社区的建议. 提前登记. Instructions for joining the webinar will be included in your registration confirmation.

期待已久的 口头辩论 在美国之前就已经结束了.S. Supreme Court this week in a vital case for business fairness and local government resources. 观察人士正在分析法官们在南达科他州诉肯尼迪案中的立场. Wayfair, a case asking that states and local governments be allowed to require retailers with no in-state physical presence -- e-commerce websites, 例如,征收销售税. 这样的决定将推翻最高法院1992年的一项裁决(Quill v. North Dakota) that retailers didn't need to collect and remit sales taxes unless they had an in-state physical presence. 的 enormous growth of e-commerce since then has earned it new scrutiny; it's now a $450 billion-per-year sector, 根据 50号公路的覆盖范围 的情况下. 而最终决定预计要到6月底才会做出, the National League of Cities believes there is the potential for four votes for overturning the Quill decision, 基于周二的口头辩论和法官的评论. 在九人法庭上, 这仍然会使推翻奎尔的裁决少一票, but there may be additional support for a decision that stops short of that result while still providing some relief for cities and towns. 

NLC released an analysis from in-house and external sources of the justices' apparent stances on the case. “根据口头辩论,本院可能采取以下三种途径之一. 它可以通过物理存在测试而不推翻奎尔. It could overturn Quill and replace (or add to) the physical presence test an economic nexus test (like the South Dakota law which requires out-of-state vendors to collect tax only if they annually conduct $100,每年在该州有价值2000美元的生意或200笔单独的交易). 最后, it could overturn Quill and allow states to require all out-of-state vendors to collect sales tax no matter how much (or little) business they do in a state.“在这个阶段,很难对结果做出准确的预测, 缴送工作说, but "it is not too difficult to count four votes for overturning Quill (Kennedy, 托马斯。, 金斯伯格, 和Gorsuch). 获得首席大法官罗伯茨或大法官布雷耶的第五票, 阿利托, 或者卡根关于经济联系的测试似乎是可能的. 在没有替代者的情况下,五票否决奎尔似乎不太可能. But most states and local governments would be fine with an economic nexus test." A CitiesSpeak博客 从口头辩论中提供更多的背景和分析. 《365足彩下载》, 引用全国州议会会议的说法, 指出各州损失了大约23美元.3 billion in 2012 from being prohibited from collecting sales tax from online and catalog purchases.

N.C. Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) this week announced the approval of 15 grant requests totaling more than $6.500万美元用于那些承诺创造大约100万美元的社区,730个工作岗位以及预计2.14亿美元的私人投资, 根据一份新闻稿. “社区需要建筑等基础设施, 供水和下水道, 并准备好网站来吸引业务,N说。.C. 商务部长安东尼·科普兰周四说. “的 grants the Rural Infrastructure Authority approved today will help rural communities secure economic development projects and bring jobs to their area.包括卢瑟福顿在内的市政当局, 华盛顿, 安德鲁斯, 康诺弗和银城是获奖申请者之一. 的 新闻稿 有完整的细节.

Of all the political, economic and cultural concerns of today, the “urban-rural divide” is no slouch. But sometimes it’s oversimplified, devoid of nuance, or turned into an adversarial narrative (i.e. “城市与. 农村”),而不是为了更好的修复而仔细分析. 在这一集的市政方程 ——365足彩下载的 两周一次的播客 about cities and towns in the face of change -- we delve into a recent report that pulls apart that narrative and gives us a different way of looking at this “divide,,并向我们展示了城市和农村的联系可能比人们想象的要紧密. 全国城市365足彩下载的克里斯蒂安娜·麦克法兰加入我们. ​​

播客新成员? 的 latest episode is a great place to start, but we have heaping topics in our 过去事件的银行: ​broadband; police recruitment​; ​public outreach; generational change; the sharing economy; driverless cars; craft beer; creative economic development; and many more. 对某一集有想法吗? 或者对我们已经完成的项目的反馈? 联系主持人/制作人 本•布朗

经济普查就在眼前, 它是经济发展的重要商业数据收集者. 与商界每五年进行一次, "it is a cornerstone of many Census Bureau and other federal statistical programs that provide timely information on the health of the U.S. 经济,”人口普查局说 本月通讯. 地方官员应该鼓励当地企业做出回应. 该局设立了若干 解释器和365体育足彩材料 帮助.
现在, 第一次, the Economic Census will be conducted almost entirely online for accessibility and ease, 从以前的纸质和邮件系统的改变. 人口调查局, 然而, sent letters to nearly 4 million business locations to inform them that the process has begun. 的 Economic Census "provides industry and market statistics at the national, state and local levels and gives businesses the information they need to make informed decisions,根据项目资料.

无人机比以往任何时候都更容易获得,也更先进.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) wants to make sure local governments and businesses are on a good page when it comes to their usage. NCDOT's Division of Aviation Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Program recently held a workshop in Nags Head that drew more than 130 attendees for discussions about drones applications in areas like emergency response and erosion monitoring. Data management, safety and other practical applications were also in focus. 的se free workshops will continue, with another one scheduled to coincide with the 2018 N.C. 无人机峰会和飞行博览会 8月5日至7日在格林斯博罗举行. “无人机技术正在迅速发展, and so are the possibilities for a business or government organization interested in using one,——巴西尔·雅普, NCDOT的无人机系统项目经理, 用一种 新闻稿.  “Attendees should now have a clear understanding of how they can use the technology, 以及如何将无人机有效地应用到他们的组织中.365足彩下载在2016年的市政方程式播客中写道 这是当地政府无人机的一段插曲