


事情发生的经过: If last week represented driving speed at the General Assembly, this week accelerated further. Between the House 和 Senate came 177 new bills. Also in progress is their development of state budget drafts on a recently agreed-upon spending target -- $24 billion, 不包括偿债. The Associated Press points out that the $24 billion figure is 3.5 percent higher than the current budget but less than Gov. 罗伊·库珀的建议是25美元.20亿美元的预算(合24美元).50亿美元,并取消偿债). 
这意味着什么?:有账单, we continue to see the advocacy goals of cities 和 towns reflected, like with local revenue options 和 public safety resources, while other proposals this week have problematic bases, 关于诸如 本地树木条例私人的诉因 allowed for people who claim their municipality or its police agency isn't complying with state immigration law. Read on in this Bulletin for more examples. 
利用: April 2 is the Senate's final filing deadline for public bills 和 resolutions. It's April 16 in the House for bills not dealing with appropriations or finance, 4月23日. (The House honors without deadline any bills on redistricting, ratification of constitutional amendments, adjournment resolutions 和 bills introduced on the report of the chambers' Appropriations, 财务或规则委员会.) According to the Insider State Government News Service, 引用众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔的话, the House's version of the budget is expected by the end of April, 比平常更早的时间框架. 
瘦子: 这是一个漫长的过程, open for variety when it comes to legislative proposals 和 competing interests. Our online bill tracker 和 the summaries provided in this Bulletin are your tools for underst和ing their application to cities 和 towns. 

A House bill that would allow local governments to build 和 lease out broadb和 infrastructure now has 71 sponsors in total -- a bipartisan roster representing more than half the chamber's membership. Addressing a key goal of North Carolina's cities 和 towns, HB 431光纤NC (Foster Infrastructure for Broadb和 Expansion 和 Resource in North Carolina) Act ​was filed March 21 under primary sponsors Reps. 乔什·多布森R-McDowell; 凯文·科尔宾R-Macon; 大卫•刘易斯, R-Harnett; 和 约翰Szoka, R-Cumberl和. Communities across the state are grateful for the support as they look for ways to leap or fill the digital divide -- illustrated by gaps in adequate internet access that hamper residential interests, 业务增长, 教育和就业机会, 农业技术整合, 现代医疗保健服务等等. The proposal has received substantial media attention, including 麦克道尔新闻上的一篇文章 on the applause the bill has received from local leaders.
Please thank your local legislators for their support of the bill, which specifically would allow for public-private partnerships via local government's construction of broadb和 infrastructure 和 its leasing to private operators. The bill also requires a series of best practices that local governments must follow prior to making these investments 和 entering into a lease agreement, a provision designed to protect local taxpayers. The legislation does not allow local governments to operate internet networks as retail service providers. For background, find helpful resources on broadb和 和 the digital divide at taitiansalon.com/broadband

​Three bills filed this week at the behest of the homebuilding industry would take away local decision-making authority regarding development 和 put more burdens on local taxpayers. sb355土地使用规管变更 would make wide-ranging changes to l和-use regulatory statutes including incentivizing litigation at local taxpayer expense 和 weakening protections for neighboring property owners of new developments. SB 367 Clarify 财产 Owners’ Rights would place severe restrictions on local tree ordinances, prohibiting such ordinances without the express approval of the General Assembly 和 requiring such ordinances to allow the removal trees when construction takes place so long as they are replaced with saplings. HB 492 Simplify Builder Inventory Exclusion​ would extend a property tax exclusion for builders whose homes have gone unsold from three to five years, forcing local taxpayers to further subsidize homebuilders 和 their home inventory. 
​It is not immediately clear how much support within the General Assembly each piece of legislation would generate. In 2014, a similar bill to SB 367 eliminating local tree ordinances generated tremendous public pushback, including from local government planners 和 other officials 和 the legislation was shelved. We will keep members informed regarding the movement of these bills. 

A bill filed on Thursday continues discussions of firefighter health 和 proposed local government obligations, 超越了365足彩下载反对的无资金 退休后福利建议 在最近的一份公报中讨论过. HB 520 Firefighters Fighting Cancer Act would create a new legal presumption for workers' compensation purposes that if a paid, 兼职, or volunteer firefighter within a local government fire department is diagnosed with one of nine listed cancers, the disease was caused by the firefighter’s occupation. Unless rebutted by the unit of local government, this determination entitles the firefighter to worker’s compensation coverage to pay for lost time. 
为了符合这个假设, the firefighter must submit to a physical examination upon entering service with the local government unit as a firefighter, 和 that examination must not reveal evidence of any of the listed cancers. The firefighter must also complete at least five years of service as a firefighter with that unit of local government to qualify for the presumption. The proposal also lays out the st和ard of proof for the local government to meet in rebutting this presumption. 

With lawmakers hitting a new single-week high for bill filing, several address municipal advocacy goals. Representatives of North Carolina's cities 和 towns met in late 2018 to set 他们共同的立法目标清单 in areas like public infrastructure, fiscal health, 和 municipal authority. 周三, HB 497 l和ed to propose that Hickory receive a quarter-cent local-option sales tax (only after local voter approval) to raise proceeds for public safety, 经济发展, 公共设施, lining up with a goal of providing municipalities additional, 地方控制的收入. 另一个提议, HB 528, surfaced Thursday to provide the towns of Indian Trail 和 Stallings new occupancy tax authority (again, only with local voter approval) in special districts to support the area's tourism economy. hb458亨德森膳食税, 周三提交, would authorize that city to levy a prepared food 和 beverage tax by local resolution following public notice 和 a public hearing. We've reported on other local revenue proposals in recent bulletins. 最近还强调了 HB 159国家搜索和救援资金, which this week found a companion bill in the Senate. SB 396​,如HB 159,将需要2美元.3 million in recurring funds for each of the next two fiscal years to support search 和 rescue activities undertaken in partnership with local governments. That gets at a statewide municipal goal of additional resources in public safety efforts.


365足彩下载发布了年度报告 收入预测备忘录 detailing next year’s forecasts for all of the major state-collected municipal revenues -- including sales taxes, electricity 和 natural gas sales taxes, 鲍威尔法案, 和更多的. This year’s memo is supplemented by an 交互式在线格式 of all the data 和 graphs discussed in the memo. 这两个项目, as well as our Basis of Tax Distribution memo 和 the annual Sales Tax Calculator file, can all be found on the League's website. 有问题可以直接问 克里斯·尼达 or 凯特琳桑德斯.

​Two longtime 和 beloved League employees are marking their respective retirements. 总法律顾问金·希巴德, 谁在1989年加入了这个组织, makes it official at the end of March 和 will be dearly missed not just for her central roles in countless legal accomplishments for cities 和 towns, but for her humanity in the role as well. "I would like to convey how much I’ve enjoyed my time at the League 和 my thanks to the many municipal officials I’ve had the opportunity to work with,希巴德说, who will be succeeded by current Associate General Counsel John 菲尔普斯. 菲尔普斯, who has been with the League since 1995, praised Hibbard as a "talented professional with the highest ethical st和ards."
联赛产权 & 伤亡索赔经理威利·威尔逊, who has served 15 years with the League, 也在这个月离开吗. Wilson successfully managed the claims department during numerous unforgettable natural disasters to help local governments restore -- in more recent instances h和ling hundreds upon hundreds of simultaneous post-hurricane claims. Said League 执行董事 Paul Meyer, “我们感谢威利的服务, 对会员的承诺, 和 his wealth of knowledge of working with members in the public risk pooling 和 claims profession." Join us in congratulating 和 thanking Hibbard 和 Wilson for their long 和 dedicated careers assisting municipalities all across the state. 

An accredited Main Street Community is getting $200,000 for downtown revitalization. The City of Elizabeth City will put the funds into preservation of a historic building 和 the creation of a new events space, 根据… 新闻稿 来自北方.C. 商务部. The money comes from the Main Street Solutions Fund, "a vital funding program here at the 商务部, leveraging local investments to bring these types of projects to life," said Commerce Secretary Anthony Copel和. 根据新闻稿, accredited Main Street 和 Small Town Main Street communities have lured $2.98 billion in investments public 和 private 和 a net gain of 24,883 jobs since the program's 1980 establishment. More information about such funding opportunities is at nccommerce.com/main-street.