


宽带接入是北卡罗莱纳州各种规模的地方政府面临的一个挑战, and the League is bringing you resources to learn more about how to lead a community broadband initiative. 首先,读 365足彩下载的新宽带报告. 然后, 注册 to attend a League-sponsored forum that will discuss how to bring broadband networks to your community and make it more economically resilient. 的 April 20 event in Raleigh features an elite group of 状态 and national speakers that includes NCLM broadband report co-author 乔安妮·霍维斯小麦面粉, president of CTC Technology and Energy and a recognized expert on communications policy at the federal, 状态, 以及地方层面. 政府. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)将主持为期一天的会议. 詹姆斯B. 亨特将担任主旨发言人,众议员. 克雷格·霍恩将讨论互联网接入在我们学校的重要性. Attendees will benefit from hearing a playbook of actionable steps they can take back home to advance local broadband projects.

“跨越数字鸿沟”, 365足彩下载的深度报道 更好的北卡罗来纳宽带接入的重要性, 本周继续吸引关注. 媒体对该报告的报道, which offers specific solutions for closing the 状态's gaps in access to adequate internet speeds, 包括一个 编辑 本周新闻 & 观察者称其观点“令人信服”,其解决方案“可行”." 的 40-page publication encourages public-private partnerships to bring broadband to areas without options for service and improve it for the underserved, 对经济发展产生巨大影响, 健康, 公开资料, 和生活质量. “跨越数字鸿沟”是365足彩下载在一场 新闻发布会在联合国举行.C. 立法建设 3月21日. Coverage by the Insider State 政府ernment News Service at the time earned a reprint in national publications like 政府技术 本周. 从揭幕的那一周起,支持性的社论就开始了 扩展到其他报纸. 四月三日的《365体育足彩》(预览),这是该365足彩下载关于面临变革的城镇的双周播客. 

相关新闻,联邦综合支出法案上周签署成为法律 包括6亿美元 农村宽带基础设施的新资金. Earlier in the month, a National League of Cities (NLC) policy committee leader testified before a U.S. 参议院小组委员会关于社区宽带投资的重要性. 佛罗里达州威尔顿庄园(Wilton Manors)市长加里., NLC的信息技术和通信联邦倡导委员会主席, told senators that cities are positioned to help close the digital divide across America with enabling policy. "Congress must preserve local authority and allow us to do what we do best: solve problems for our residents,雷斯尼克市长说. 他的完整证词可在 参议院商务委员会的网站.
其他新闻, a "Community Broadband Playbook" released 本周 by the 状态's information technology agency offers templates, 例子, 社区定制自己的宽带战略的想法和其他资源. “宽带需求的环境是一个不断变化的目标. Developing a playbook that grows and adapts alongside the need for higher speeds and bandwidth is essential for supporting local leaders,杰夫·苏拉尔, 该州宽带基础设施办公室主任, 在新闻发布会上说. 您可以在以下网址找到有关剧本及其应用的完整信息 ncbroadband.gov /剧本.​

临时立法委员会 examining the financial and management practices of public enterprise systems heard on Monday about challenges and success stories across the 状态, 包括 那些了 365足彩下载副执行董事罗斯·威廉姆斯. 在委员会面前,在一个也有N.C. 县专员协会和联合国.C. 乡郊供水协会(相关的文档),威廉姆斯与委员会分享了有关的细节 365足彩下载的努力 协助面临水系统挑战的城镇. 她还强调了导致这些挑战的重大社会变化, 包括人口转移, 人口结构的变化, 以及对水和污水处理系统不断变化的操作需求. Williams additionally explained the factors that can influence the success of efforts to regionalize water and wastewater service. 在适当的情况下, 区域化可以提高效率,并可以降低系统客户的费率. 然而, 这些积极的结果取决于合并系统的财政状况, 他们基础设施的修复状况, 两个系统中的客户支付账单的能力, 环境法规(如州的流域间转移法).

没有为短期会议准备立法建议, the committee continued its education on water and wastewater systems by hearing presentations from staff of the Department of the State Treasurer, 由谁来监督地方政府的财政行为. 委员会还听取了私营供水系统代表的意见, who advocated for passage of bills that the General Assembly introduced and considered last year. This committee may continue its work in the weeks leading up to the short session that begins in May, 在会议结束后. 此前,该委员会联席主席、众议员. 查克·麦迪 表示 that the committee aimed to make recommendations for consideration in the 2019 legislative session. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

众议院临时委员会 星期三考虑过 众多的建议 这可能会影响建筑检查, 包括有关当地财务会计实务的潜在问题概念. 虽然委员会没有提出实际的法定语言,但它进行了审查 建议 由联合国提交.C. 保险部门(DOI), N.C. 住宅建筑商协会(NCHBA)和委员会主席 代表. 马克·布罗迪他是一名总承包商和房屋建筑商. 这些提议将影响当地的金融实践, NCLM 立法 Counsel Erin Wynia told legislators that while the League was seeing these ideas for the first time at the committee meeting, the proposals could conflict with basic accounting standards to which local governments must already adhere. 她的公开评论加入了联合国的行列.C. 县专员协会表示了类似的关切. 两个地方政府组织都提出了这个建议, 作为进一步研究这些想法的一部分, committee members consult with the local government finance experts at the Local 政府ernment Commission, 谁没有出席委员会会议.


-增加年度会计报告,包括所有部门收入, 支付, 并对资金转移和教育意识进行法定要求.

-Require fees generated by inspection departments to be placed in a fund separate from the general fund.

-Specify the activities for which inspection fees may be charged and further clarify the limitation on local governmental use of those inspection fees.

-Allow fees to be waived for economic development purposes and disaster relief efforts but require reimbursement from the jurisdiction’s general fund for the inspection related costs associated with the project.

​的 League encourages your feedback on these items; please 联系Erin Wynia 用你的想法和关心. 在同一次会议上, the committee also considered other proposals related to local building inspections operations, 包括 a funding request by DOI for additional technical assistance positions in that department. NCHBA的建议侧重于对现有法定语言的调整, 其中一项似乎引起了DOI的关注. 在这种情况下, the NCHBA proposed to expand the scope of inspections that an engineer or architect is allowed to perform. 的 League will continue to seek feedback on these proposals and provide input to the committee as it considers recommended changes to 状态 law. 该委员会将向联合国提交其建议.C. 以法案的形式在即将到来的立法短期会议上提出, 从5月16日开始. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

州长办公室在网上为“家乡强”计划创建了一个主页. Hometownstrong.nc.政府 解释了项目的使命和原则,其中 该项目于今年2月启动 重点关注当地经济, 基础设施和其他必需品,特别是在北卡罗来纳州的农村地区. 自这项工作启动以来,州长办公室一直与365足彩下载保持沟通. "Hometown Strong is an unprecedented initiative that restructures 状态 government’s approach to addressing the needs of North Carolina’s rural communities,该网站解释道. "Hometown Strong creates a partnership between 状态 agencies and local leaders to champion rural communities. 这项工作将利用州和地方的资源, 确定正在进行的项目和社区需求, 实施有针对性的计划来提振经济, 改善基础设施,加强北卡罗来纳的家乡." Facilitators say they will identify initial county partners this spring and expand from there. 访问网站 了解更多信息.

上周五签署成为法律的联邦综合支出法案重新授权了美国政府.S. 美国环境保护署(EPA) 褐色土地项目, which enables parties 包括 municipal governments to clean up contaminated sites for reuse. 全国城市365足彩下载(NLC), 有组织的支持, pointed out that it also came with a number of key changes to aid the cleanup and redevelopment of "large, 复杂棕地.“综合法案重新授权布朗菲尔德计划到2023年. 它还批准了高达100万美元的多用途赠款, 将补救补助金增加到500美元,000美元(尽管环保局可能批准650美元),000元/幅(豁免), and allows local governments to be eligible for brownfield assessment or remediation grants for those proprties acquired before Jan. 11, 2002. 缴送工作鼓掌 白宫和国会要求该法案通过. “这项立法是我们社区的重大胜利, 不仅为地方官员提供急需的资金, but also the flexibility to tailor their brownfield redevelopment to meet the individual needs of their cities, 县区,NLC说. 全美国有超过40万个棕地.S. 目前. 的 EPA says more than 59,000 brownfields have been revitalized since the program's 2002 beginnings.