


为基础设施建设提供特别融资机制的法案本周在参众两院出现. HB 158 Assessments/Critical Infrastructure (SB 118) included League-suggested language 和 would extend existing 评估机构 to allow cities 和 counties to fund infrastructure projects for private development. Existing authority allows local governments, 应业主要求, 对要求安装道路、供水或污水管道等基础设施的业主征收“特别估价”. 评估所得用于偿还地方政府发行的收入债券,为基础设施的安装提供资金.

The language of the proposed bills is identical to 规定 该法案去年在众议院通过,将允许与县或市签订协议的开发商自行支付基础设施安装费用. 然后,当地政府将使用特别评估来偿还开发商的投资. 民盟建议的措辞是,确保评估行动是自愿的,地方政府只欠开发商评估产生的收入, 减少任何行政成本. HB 158 received a favorable hearing in the House Finance Committee this week. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

参议院多数党领袖哈里·布朗 -- who was a key proponent last session of 一个计划 重新分配地方征收的销售税——本周提交了一项立法,以改变适用于0.5美分地方销售税征收的调整因素. 今年的提案, SB 126 Change the LOST Adjustment Factor, would eliminate all current adjustment factors for this particular tax, replacing them with a factor based on the county's economic tier designation. Counties with a Tier 1 designation would receive a boost in tax receipts, with their collected amount being multiplied by a factor of 1.1. Counties designated as Tier 2 would receive no adjustments, 而被指定为第三级的县,由于分配系数为0,收入会减少.9. 这一提议是否会增加或减少一个县当前的税收收入,取决于现行法律中的调整因素与新提出的因素之间的差异. Counties 和 those municipalities in them which rely on tourism would be most adversely affected. To see w在这里 your municipality falls, please refer to 这个图表 prepared by the legislature's non-partisan fiscal staff. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达


What's Town Hall Day all about for municipal officials? 好吧, 当你考虑到西布伦市长和2017年365足彩下载主席鲍勃·马西尼已经在当地办公室工作了几十年, with extensive Town Hall Day involvement, 他可能是个很好的消息来源. 于是我们做了. 观看这个视频 of President Matheny discussing the importance of Town Hall Day, 365足彩下载的标志性365体育足彩活动 定于今年3月29日举行. 听听他是如何看待这些年来它的发展的,以及为什么市政当局参加它真的很重要. "This year, again, we expect it to be the largest year we've ever had," President Matheny said. 这很重要, 他指出, because it makes a statement about how varied 和 vast North Carolina's municipal presence is. That's ahead on Town Hall Day, March 29. 你已经注册了,对吗? 如果没有,还有时间. 点击这里了解详情.

众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔说 talks with League policy committee members. 图片来源:Ben Brown

365足彩下载成员各自的 立法 和 Regulatory Action Committees (LAC/RAC)本周在罗利与国会议员一起讨论了地方和州政府在宽带等重要领域的合作问题, hard infrastructure 和 revenue sustainability. LAC/RAC成员周三拜访了参众两院的官员,包括众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔(来自戈尔兹伯勒)和参议院多数党党鞭杰里·蒂尔曼(来自阿奇代尔)。这是一系列全年的“游说日”,将各个市政当局与其立法者联系起来.

Senate Majority Whip Jerry Tillman greets League committee members.

他们还会见了参议员. Jim Davis of Franklin 和 Tom McInnis of Rockingham, 和刘易斯·金一起, policy advisor to House Speaker Tim Moore. 在一天的过程中, the LAC/RAC team communicated municipalities' need for support with infrastructure as North Carolina grows 和 existing resources decay; broadb和 availability as public 和 private services increasingly shift toward online platforms; 和 revenue flexibility to respond to 和 support the economy. 365足彩下载感谢立法者的时间和关注,并期待继续进行对话.

The first billboards bill of the session made its debut in the House this week. HB 173 Revisions to Outdoor Advertising Laws,由 众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔说, 通过禁止与这些标志相关的大多数分区权力,是否会降低一个城市影响广告牌位置的能力. 在测量之下, 广告牌所有者可以将大多数现有标志重新安置在管辖区内的任何地方,该管辖区内的分区分类与原始标志位置的分区相当. 该提案还将首次将因素纳入州法律,以确定向广告牌所有者支付的收购补偿金额, 采购, 或者谴责的迹象. 最后, 该措施还包括与清除植被和重新种植广告牌附近的树木有关的其他变化. 通过众议院, the bill must receive favorable reports from three committees, 加上整个议院的大部分. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

本周提交的一项众议院法案包含了一些条款,这些条款体现了365足彩下载倡导的目标,即减轻执法人员的压力. 一段 2017年HB 181第一响应者法案 是否会允许公司警察或医院现场保安拘留被认为有精神疾病和潜在危害的人, until official transportation 和 placement is arranged. That's a change from the current practice, in which law enforcement officers are the ones taking custody, 和 are called to hospitals for that purpose. 2016年10月加入365足彩下载董事会 采纳了一个目标 支持加强该州精神健康和智力/发育障碍治疗资源的立法, 包括提供资源和解决方案,以减轻宣誓执法人员在提供危机个人监护时的压力. The League appreciates the attention given to this issue by bill sponsors Reps. 哈利沃伦, 迈克Clampitt, 卡尔福特拉里•波茨.

在网上 在这里wegrownc.org

Haven’t uploaded your story of economic success on 我们在这里成长 然而,? You might be missing out in more ways than one. Starting with the March/April edition of 南部城市 magazine, 365足彩下载将从网站上分享其中一个本地故事,作为杂志的定期专题故事. As of this writing, more than 30 cities 和 towns have shared their stories. Which one will be the featured story in 南部城市? We haven’t decided 然而,, but will next week. So, you still might have time to beat the deadline for the upcoming edition.

If you haven't signed up 然而,, it’s easy. 简单的电子邮件 about@在这里wegrownc.org, 和 if you're a League-member municipality, we'll set you up. Has your city or town made or facilitated investments to attract new businesses, encourage retail expansion or create good-paying local jobs? Have you invested in amenities that make your municipality a great place to live, 吸引新居民, 商业或两者兼而有之? 给我们讲讲那个故事. We'll make sure it's featured in our ongoing promotional campaign. Check out one of the latest stories, this one from the Town of Maiden, 在这里.

A 新报告 来自全国城市365足彩下载关于国家优先考虑地方当局的问题,在对话中强调了北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载的部分积极工作. The League is named in the report's recommendation to address the preemption narrative. “先发制人立法的兴起表明,州政府对地方自治权的增加和州内可能存在的法规拼凑感到担忧,报告说. "As a result, a pro-preemption narrative is emerging in an attempt to put cities in their place. State leagues can take an active role in combating this narrative. 例如, 北卡罗来纳州市政365足彩下载(North Carolina League of Municipalities)正在重塑叙事,从“城市失控”转向“城市帮助州政府”.' The League takes the approach of avoiding politics in favor of an economic argument. 他们认为,先发制人会阻碍城市发挥其应有的最佳发展动力." 点击这里 阅读完整的可下载报告.

Bills are being filed 和 updated all the time at this point in the state's legislative calendar, 和 you can rely on the League to follow those that matter to cities 和 towns. 但我们也希望你拥有这些工具. 365足彩下载的账单追踪器 让事情变得简单. Get explainers 和 status updates on proposals like sb131监管改革法案, 除其他事项外,哪一项将允许市政当局等公共机构专门通过将公共记录或计算机数据库以可下载的形式在线提供来履行公共记录责任. Or perhaps you'd like to see what's happening with SB 123发布LEO录音, 哪个会在执法机构必须披露或发布录音的情况下增加两个额外的目的, such as a body camera or dashboard camera recording, 给地方检察官. The bill tracker is clean, easy 和 categorizes proposals by level of importance or by topic. 来看看.