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February 21, 2020

事情发生的经过: 的 flags were lowered this week, as North Carolina mourned the loss of two prominent political figures.

单词释义: 代表. 琳达•约翰逊 (R-Cabarrus) passed away Tuesday in the midst of her 10th term, 和 former Lt. 州长 鲍勃·乔丹 享年87岁.

利用: 的 legislative calendar may be bare, but the issues march on. 的 state addressed one of those concerns this week by awarding millions for water 和 sewer system improvements.

瘦子: Those funds, available through loans 和 grants, are just a start. 的 larger issue of water infrastructure 和 viability, 然而, comes with a much higher price tag, 根据 to recent studies.

After a battle with cancer, longtime legislator 琳达•约翰逊 星期二去世 享年74岁. Johnson served in the House for 19 years 和, in 2019, served as a senior appropriations chair.

Prior to her time in Raleigh, Johnson served eight years on the Kannapolis City School Board. “琳达•约翰逊 had a beloved 和 infectious spirit that resonated throughout the North Carolina General Assembly every day,”  Speaker Tim Moore.

肝移植前. 州长 鲍勃·乔丹 also passed away this week. Jordan’s time as a public servant began on the Mount Gilead town council, then progressed into the legislature, where he joined the state senate beginning in 1976. Jordan was elected lieutenant governor in 1984, 和 served one term.

"He was passionate about education 和 made a real difference helping people from all walks of life,"  州长 罗伊•库珀. ​

Gov. 罗伊•库珀 announced this week that $166 million had been awarded to communities across the state. 的se funds will be directed toward 88 water 和 wastewater infrastructure projects.

It's an early step in the face of a far-reaching issue. Studies estimate that North Carolina’s water 和 sewer infrastructure upgrades will require up to $26 billion.

的 entire list of projects can be 在这里找到.

Valerie Jones, Mayor Pro Tem of Sedalia, took to the Burlington Times-News to highlight the importance of the upcoming Census.

“It means money,” writes Jones, who also serves as president of North Carolina Black Elected Municipal Officials 和 a member of the board of directors of the North Carolina Black Alliance. “It’s about distribution of billions of dollars in federal funds, grants 和 support to states, counties 和 communities. It’s 10 questions, 10 minutes of your time.”

Resources 和 further information on the upcoming count can be found on NCLM’s 2020年的人口普查 hub.

Advancing Municipal Leaders (AML), a new education program from the N.C. League of Municipalities, continues next week in Mooresville with New Mayors School  Newly Elected Leaders Academy.

“Very well organized, excellent presenters, great panel discussion, wonderful networking options, 伟大的设施. Enjoyed tremendously,” 说 Mount Olive Mayor Ken Talton.

Dates 和 information can be 在这里找到.