


事情发生的经过: A non-legislative week, to set some contrast. While so much of 2019 was a calendar day for the N.C. General Assembly, Jones Street was relatively quiet this week. Lawmakers currently aren't scheduled to return until April 28, when they'll kick off the 2020 short session. 立法 committees are meeting in the interim and we're following all the moves. But remember there's still plenty to reflect upon and context to help understand where we are in our 2019年会议结束公告 和帮助, 齿顶高.
单词释义: 即便如此, there are big projects and opportunities for cities and towns right now, 其中最重要的是 2020年的人口普查. It's one of the most impactful federal operations in which municipal leaders should play a role, 工作正在升温.
利用: 联邦,州和地方官员 推动意识 of just how important this decennial headcount is, 有这么多的事情要做, including a massive amount of federal money and planning information that localities, their 政府ernments and businesses rely upon.
瘦子: There are so many resources to help you prep your community for an accurate population count, and some of them are even fun -- like the new 反应率的工具 that shows how well your city or town is doing on participation. It even enables you to engage in friendly competition with neighboring communities by challenging them to a response contest. Read on for more immediate information about this and other news items for cities and towns.

Census Day 2020 might not be until April 1, but North Carolina's leaders are years into preparation for the most complete of counts and are reminding local 政府ernment officials of the stakes. Census data are linked to funding allocations, 基础设施准备, 商业选址决策等等. "Census data is used to bring over $675 billion of your tax dollars back to your community," says 人口普查.nc.政府, a resource website from state 政府ernment. 不幸的是, this nationwide headcount -- done every 10 years by constitutional mandate -- is rife with challenges. 例如, 根据网站, young children are likely to be undercounted, 估计有73人,000 children in North Carolina are at risk of not being counted this time around. That's why Census officials are hoping for the help of community leaders. “而美国.S. 人口普查局将推动2020年人口普查, 没有人比我们更了解我们的社区,该网站指出. "Local Census advocates can help make sure that everyone is counted and that our tax dollars return to serve our residents.完整信息可在 人口普查.nc.政府. ​​

The state's Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) has kicked off its program of grants and loans for 2020 to help local 政府ernments recover from recent years' natural disasters, 比如飓风佛罗伦萨和飓风多里安. 一个网站, 重建.nc.政府, spells out the criteria for eligibility and how to apply. "The program will provide 0% interest loans of up to $2,000,000 for eligible local 政府ernments to assist with covering disaster-related expenses, while waiting for reimbursement from various federal disaster response, 复苏, 以及弹性项目,它解释道. "Approved local 政府ernments would repay the loan principal amount upon receipt of federal reimbursements.“有兴趣的各方应审查 可用资金通知单
周二, the state gave word that it's moving forward in the making of a draft action plan for more than $542 million in Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funding regarding Hurricane Florence. It follows a new federal register notice from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 或住房和城市发展部, that identified 10 counties and four zip codes as the most hard-hit from Florence, most of them in the coastal or southeastern parts of the state. “This is an important step by the federal 政府ernment to get additional funds to families still recovering from Hurricane Florence,“政府. 罗伊·库珀在一次采访中说 新闻发布会上. "North Carolinians have waited for these funds since 2018 and we will continue to push for federal legislation to help the federal 政府ernment to speed up this process and get assistance to the people who need it.“ 新闻发布会上 有完整的细节.

Like many former mill towns in rural North Carolina, stagnant development seemed to plague the town of Elkin. In 2017, 市中心有17家空店面, 人口继续保持在4人左右,000居民, 未来似乎很黯淡. Big cities seemed more desirable for business and opportunity and without a significant change, 埃尔金肯定会吃苦头. But change soon came in the form of “Explore Elkin,” an initiative designed to boost community engagement and, 最终, 重振埃尔金市中心. 

前往我们在这里成长网站, the economic development storytelling website from the League in partnership with WRAL TechWire,因为 接下来发生了什么?. Hint: a turnaround that had one Elkinite saying, "Wow, we live in this great place!“se stories are rippling through North Carolina from cities and towns exercising creative resourcefulness to provide residents and businesses a motivating quality of life and work.
Your municipality can join the scores of others already amplifying their stories through 我们在这里成长, at herewegrownc.org. It's a powerful messaging tool and is totally free for League members. 发送一个 email to Communications Associate Jack Cassidy 开始吧.