


State lawmakers officially begin a new legislative session on Wednesday, although that day will be almost exclusively about selecting chamber leaders 和 then organizing during a two-week break before the business of policymaking begins in earnest. 代表resentative Tim Moore of Kings Mountain is expected to be elected House speaker after the House 代表ublican caucus chose him as its nominee; Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger of Eden is expected to be selected for another term as that chamber's top leader.

Some key legislators 和 legislative insiders are predicting the pace 和 scale of legislation may not be as substantial as in the previous few years. 预算, 交通资金, economic development 和 Medicaid reform are likely to top lawmakers' to-do list. The League's Governmental Affairs team will be focused on advocating for replacement revenue for the business privilege license tax, the restoration of historic preservation tax credits (见下文), competitive economic development tools, 交通资金 that benefits the state 和 municipalities, 还有很多其他的 市政365体育足彩目标 团员认可. The staff has already begun talking with legislators about those priorities. 

参议院方面, t在这里 have been discussions about another round of tax reform 和 potential changes in local sales tax distributions. In a recent interview with 代表resentative Moore for the upcoming edition of the League's 南部城市 magazine, the presumptive House Speaker questioned whether t在这里 is appetite in his chamber for another round of significant tax reform. He said tax changes should instead address any shortcomings related to economic development. 代表resentative Moore also reiterated his support for historic preservation tax credits, saying that he is "really interested in making our downtowns vibrant." (Look for the full interview 和 learn more about 代表resentative Moore in the next edition of 南部城市.) 

As always, this legislative session will bring challenges for cities 和 towns. We look forward to working with all of you to achieve positive policy outcomes for municipalities. T在这里 is no substitute for your tireless advocacy on behalf cities 和 towns, 和 we will again be calling on you for strategic, targeted efforts aimed at successful legislative outcomes. 在出版方面, this will be the last LINC'ed IN until the session is adjourned, 希望是在夏天. Look for the LeagueLINC Bulletin, which follows legislative action 和 other news of interest to municipalities when legislators are in session, 下周继续. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯

The League will host its second in a series of regional meetings examining the future of municipal finance on January 26 in Burlington. 该系列, A Path Forward: Vibrant Cities Today 和 Tomorrow, is examining the financial challenges facing municipalities big 和 small, including the $62 million fiscal cliff created by the pending loss of privilege license tax revenue. The meeting in Burlington follows one held in Southport in December that garnered significant media coverage in the southeastern part of the state.

Like that meeting, the Burlington event, to be held from 3 p.m. 到下午6点.m., will include a presentation by League staff looking at the history of municipal finance, comparative data with other states, 和 the legislative action that led up to the repeal of the business privilege license tax. A panel discussion will focus on the economic pressures faced by communities around the state 和 how a tax structure that promotes low property taxes has played a critical role in economic development. Panelists will include elected 和 appointed municipal officials from across the region. 随后将举行招待会.

For members in municipalities in the upper Piedmont 和 Triangle, this meeting represents an opportunity to demonstrate your concerns about the financial pressures facing cities 和 towns to legislators 和 the broader public. We urge you to attend if at all possible. The meeting 和 reception are free of charge, but you can register 和 learn more details about the event 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

Secretary of Cultural Resources Susan Kluttz is embarking on a tour of cities 和 towns across North Carolina to push for reinstatement of historic preservation tax credits, 和 a coalition of groups that includes the League is supporting the effort. 在12月, League members approved as an advocacy goal the establishment of a competitive film incentive program 和 the maintaining of historic preservation tax credits. Efforts by the League, the administration of Gov. Pat McCrory 和 a host of other groups to keep the historic preservation tax credits fell just short when they were not included in a final budget deal last summer despite overwhelming support by the House.

Secretary Kluttz's stops on her tour next week include Gastonia, Eden 和 Mebane. 与此同时, 一个网站 established to support the effort to restore the tax credit allows visitors to sign onto a petition drive, 提供了背景, 和 lists links to news stories on the subject. The historic preservation tax credits were truly one of the closest issues decided in last year's legislative session, 和 League members' effort were critical in keeping the issue on the legislative front burner. Please support Secretary Kluttz in any way you can during her tour, 访问网站, sign the petition 和 continue your strong advocacy efforts on this issue. 你可以联系 加里·考克斯 at the Department of Cultural Resources to help facilitate events on Secretary Kluttz's tour. 联系人: 惠特尼·克里斯坦森

On behalf of the entire League staff, the Governmental Affairs team would like to extend thanks 和 warmest regards to Cara Bridges. Cara will be leaving the League at the end of next week to take a position on the staff of the General Assembly's Fiscal Research Division. As Governmental Affairs Assistant, Cara has been a key cog in all of the work by the Governmental Affairs team 和 a great resource for municipal officials around the state. Although we will miss her at the League, we know that the wealth of experience 和 skills that she has will be a great benefit to the state. The silver lining for our team is that we will continue to see Cara around the 立法 Building. We wish her all the best in the future. 谢谢,卡拉!



Governmental Affairs Assistant Cara Bridges

Join the League 和 Duke Energy on Tuesday, January 13, in Greensboro for a 合作峰会 to discuss issues surrounding municipal street lighting (forum details 和 registration 在这里). In 2013, the League intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. This led to continued discussions between municipalities 和 Duke Energy, with the objective of finding cost-effective options for municipalities to convert to LED street lighting 和 modernizing Duke Energy’s outdoor lighting offerings. 在这次峰会上, you will get insight into the League’s engagement with Duke Energy as well as information from the company on current rate structures, 费率制定原则, modernization efforts 和 future technologies. In addition, t在这里 will be a demonstration of Duke Energy's new outage reporting tool.
A three-judge panel has blocked a state law that would strip the Town of Boone of its extraterritorial jurisdiction powers. The panel granted Boone's request for a preliminary injunction to stop the law from taking effect while the town continues to try to overturn it. The court also rejected a motion from the state 和 Watauga County to dismiss the Town's lawsuit. The change had been scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1. Read media coverage of the ruling 在这里,以及法院命令 在这里.
With the legislative session days away, Governor Pat McCrory is again loudly calling on state legislators to fund incentive programs designed to bring jobs 和 new businesses to the state. Governor McCrory told those attending the 2015 Economic Forecast Forum sponsored by the NC Bankers Association 和 NC Chamber that legislators need to act quickly or the state could lose companies considering bringing jobs 在这里. He urged legislators to make funding job-creation grants their No. 1 priority upon their return to Raleigh. Read more about the governor's comments 在这里 和 在这里.
代表. Paul Tine has decided to leave the Democratic Party 和 register as unaffiliated, a move expected to allow him to be included within House 代表ublican Caucus meetings 和 enjoy more influence in the chamber. 代表resentative Tine of Kitty Hawk explained the move by saying that it will allow him to more effectively represent his constituents 和 that his centrist views were not necessarily reflected by either political party. The move should effectively exp和 the GOP's advantage over Democrats in the House to 75-45. Read media coverage about his change 在这里.