


就在新年之前,联合国.C. Court of Appeals issued its opinion on remand in Quality Built Homes v. 迦太基二世.  回想一下,2016年8月,联合国.C. 迦太基的最高法院 had invalidated water and sewer impact fees for future expansion. Its order sent the case back to the Court of Appeals for consideration of unresolved issues such as the statute of limitations (i.e. 要求退款的时间可以追溯到多久以前?. 
The Court of Appeals denied motions to accept new briefs, including an amicus brief with a number of municipal participants.  The Dec. 30, 2016 unpublished decision contains two holdings:

  • 10年的诉讼时效适用
  • and the town’s estoppel defense, based on acceptance of benefits, does not.

The Court of Appeals ultimately remanded the matter to the trial court as to the separate issue of attorney’s fees and costs under G.S. 6-21.7 (attorneys’ fees for cities or counties acting outside the scope of their authority). The Court of Appeals' unpublished decision is available here.  The decision is expected to be appealed to the Supreme Court, with the town’s petition for discretionary review due in February. Contact: 格雷格Schwitzgebel

The 2017 session of the General Assembly will officially begin on Jan. 11 when lawmakers new and re-elected will convene in Raleigh for oaths, 摄影和其他仪式活动, a soft kick-off to what will be the legislature's "long session.“长时间的会议, 在奇数年举行, are generally meant to last about six months (though there is no hard limit on how long a legislative session can last) and include the development and adoption of a biennial state budget that lawmakers may tweak in the subsequent even year's "short session." As the Jan. 11 convening is more ceremonial than anything, work will begin in earnest two weeks later, on Jan. 25.

The new chairman of the powerful Senate Rules Committee, Sen. Bill Rabon of Southport (《365足彩下载》在最新一期采访了他 of Southern City), 他告诉家乡的报纸, 国家港口引航员, 救灾, healthcare, taxes and transportation are likely to be among central issues this time. In the legislative flurry at the end of 2016, the General Assembly 通过了一项2亿美元的救助计划 in light of Hurricane Matthew and the western wildfires. 该报援引参议员拉宾的话说 calling that the "tip of the iceberg" in terms of damage costs, estimating it's actually beyond $1 billion in terms of the state's share. "We've got to take care of public health issues first," Senator Rabon said. 在另一篇文章中,同样的出版物聚集在橡树岛 Rep. Frank Iler's 对未来会议的展望. Representative Iler predicts a return to HB2 discussions and conversations about municipalities as well as the governor's powers. The Asheville Citizen-Times on Thursday discussed the session 地区立法者包括 Rep. Chuck McGrady, 谁说HB2会在今年被废除, but only if the conversation takes a different tone from both sides. 立法机关也有任务, by court order, with drawing new legislative maps for another round of primaries and fall elections this year. 继续读下去了解更多.

A three-judge panel this week denied state lawmakers' request to postpone a court order for new legislative districts and elections this year. The General Assembly has until March 15 to complete the redrawing of 28 districts and make way for summer primaries and a November election. The order followed the panel's determination that the legislators who drew the maps relied unfairly on race and that new maps are needed. Legislative leaders have fought the order, with measures including an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, but a postponement motion filed with the lower court that gave the initial order wasn't successful -- essentially, 小组不会保持自己的顺序. 据WRAL报道, the legislators argued that voters in 2016 chose their representatives on two-year terms, and that a new, special election this year isn't a wise use of resources. The judges, however, said voters face greater harm with the current maps in place, 新闻媒体报道. Click here 获取更多媒体报道.

Gov. Roy Cooper is calling his pick for state secretary of public safety a potential unifier for law enforcement agencies and minority communities. The new governor at a press conference on Thursday announced Erik Hooks to the position, 向北航行.C. Department of Public Safety, a prominent cabinet agency. Hooks is a former SBI assistant director who most recently served as a special agent overseeing the inspections and compliance unit, the News & 观察员报告. Cooper said Hooks' experience in crimefighting and public safety is vast, and that he's a good candidate for softening tension between police and minorities. “We definitely have work to do to repair some of the trust issues that exist in some of our communities of color and law enforcement. I think Erik will certainly be leading the way in that effort," the newspaper quoted of Cooper. (Those trust issues were the subject of a law enforcement forum the League held at the request of the Legislative Black Caucus in 2016. Click here for video.胡克斯是春湖人. 库珀最近的其他任命是 here and here.

The U.S. 环境保护署(EPA)给出了 public notice in December of its decision to add 72 water body segments to North Carolina's 2016 303(d) impaired waters list. The 303(d) list is named after Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, which requires states to evaluate the health of their streams, rivers and other bodies of water every two years and list those that do not meet water quality standards. Once listed, impaired waters most often become subject to water pollution restrictions for the affected watershed, 通常以a的形式出现 总最大日负荷(TMDL) limits. 地方政府, as the holders of wastewater and stormwater discharge permits, bear responsibility for reducing their discharges to these waters under a TMDL, 通常是昂贵的需求.

对公众通告有额外的兴趣, EPA chose to delist Little Alamance Creek from the 303(d) list because of Burlington, Graham, 和NCDOT共同提交的一份 4b类论证方案 ——TMDL的替代方案. This is the first time a category 4b plan has been used and resulted in a delisting. EPA is seeking public comment on its decisions regarding the state’s list until Feb. 17. 评论可以发送到 hopkins.marion@epa.gov.

市政方程这是365足彩下载的双周播客 all about municipalities, 在假期期间成为了全国关注的焦点. Host/producer Ben Brown (the League's advocacy communication associate), 出现在GovLove的一期节目中 to discuss why the League created its own podcast and how it's grown nationwide since launch. GovLove 播客是国家出品的吗 与当地政府领导接触 (ELGL) group and is popular with municipal and county officials, 美国各地的教育工作者和合作者.S. 被要求解释市政方程, Brown told GovLove host Kent Wyatt (ELGL's co-founder) that it brings the most interesting aspects of modern municipalities to a wide audience -- inside and outside of city hall -- and toward a very specific goal. 播客是 ... about tapping into the conversations in that (municipal) context, 挑战是什么, 新技术, 新奇的想法, 未来概念, 有趣的个性 ... 不管发生了什么,”布朗说. “如果我们强调这些东西, and if we highlight the good ideas in this space or help to boost basic understanding of the things that are impacting cities and towns specifically, then hopefully we can share ideas and raise all the boats at once to make all the communities a better place to be."

市政方程 于2016年6月首次亮相 the tough, against-the-odds story of Winston-Salem City Councilmember Denise "D.D." Adams, and has since covered an array of topics including the local infrastructure burden; local government's role in innovation; the importance of modern technology to public service; place attachment; creative use of government-access channels; tough realities of policing; urban and suburban planning; the economics of urban trees; what drones mean for cities; community branding, and more. "If there's one town out there with a unique formula for doing something -- whether it's paying for infrastructure, 或者市区发展, 或者适应 物联网, or whatever it happens to be -- then that's a town I want to talk to just to spread the word about it (via the podcast) to other places where that idea might be duplicated," Brown said.

出现在GovLove的旁边 吉尔伯特镇,亚利桑那州.首席数字官Dana Berchman and Geneva, N.Y.城市经理马特·霍恩说 (both of whom host local government podcasts, found here and here), Brown also explained why he thinks it's wise for local governments to begin thinking about launching their own podcasts, if feasible, 作为现代通讯工具. Podcasts, he said, 通常会更放松, conversational and fun and convey more of a human feel to listeners. "And I do think there is a place for podcasting in pretty much every local government, even if it is just a 10-minute podcast once a month kind of saying in a conversational way what the city council did at the last meeting and how that affects you as a resident," Brown said. “有很多方法可以做到这一点." Click here for the full episode, which focuses fully on podcasting from a local government angle. Click here 《365体育足彩》的所有剧集. 2017年新剧将于1月9日开播. 17. If you have an idea for an episode, contact Brown at bbrown@taitiansalon.com. 请随时给我留下好评 on iTunes.

The League has released its latest Revenue Report -- an update on, and lead-in to, the League's annual forecast of state-collected local revenues. Click here to read it. Produced by League Director of Research and Analysis Chris Nida, the report examines state-collected local government revenues through the first quarter of the 2016-17 fiscal year. The League also recently released its annual Salary Survey and 可以在这里找到 by either logging in with your League website account or registering for an account with the League website.

"智慧城市发展趋势" is a new report from National League of Cities featuring case studies about how five cities -- Philadelphia, San Francisco, Chicago, Charlotte, and New Delhi, India -- are implementing smart city projects from different approaches. The report also provides recommendations to help local governments consider and plan smart city projects. A "smart city" is one that has developed technological infrastructure that enables it to collect, aggregate, and analyze real-time data to improve the lives of its residents. The report suggests that any smart city effort should include explicit policy recommendations regarding smart infrastructure and data, 一个有效的管理组件, 以及某种形式的社区参与. Look for more on this report in a near-future episode 市政方程这是365足彩下载的双周播客.

The League's members, at CityVision 2016 this past October, set a smart slate of 市政365体育足彩目标 2017-2018立法两年期. With the next General Assembly session just ahead, take some time to flesh out what those goals mean to your city or town, specifically. 点击这里获取可打印的PDF文件 这些倡导目标, many of which focus on the significant revenue challenges facing municipalities, 并写下它们与你所在城镇的关系. Relay that information to your legislators over the phone or during an in-person visit with a productive, 团队合作的方法, and offer to be a contextual resource for those legislators as the session unfolds. These positive, informed relationships will help your town and others continue to serve as engines for the state's growing economy.
